Marin’s Historic Railroad Depots on Display

by Carol Acquaviva, August 28, 2015

North Pacific Coast Railroad items on display in the Anne T. Kent California Room at the Civic Center Library

What’s in a station name? The North Pacific Coast Railroad (NPCRR) built a spur line into Mill Valley in 1889 and named it “Eastland” in honor of Joseph Eastland, a former railroad president and a highly influential personality in the town’s history.

Train depots, tickets, and schedules from the Northwestern Pacific Railroad, on display in the California Room. Anne T. Kent California Room Collection.

The NPCRR railroad stop at San Anselmo was first named “Junction” until 1884, when it was renamed “San Anselmo” and moved 100 yards south.

The Marshall train station was originally called “Marshalls.”

The California Room has a new exhibit featuring photographs and ephemera from a selection of railroad depots across the county. Among the featured locales are the Central San Rafael and Union Depot, and St. Vincent, Ross Valley, Kent and Manzanita stations. We’ve also displayed maps, timetables, original tickets and official railroad passes from 1894 through 1939, covering the North Pacific Coast, the North Shore and the Northwestern Pacific Railroads.

Make a stop by the display the next time you visit us in the California Room!

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