Old Settler’s Day: Predecessor of our Oral History Program

by Laurie Thompson

Tamalpais Centre Clubhouse, Kentfield, May Day, 1910. Anne T. Kent California Room Collection.

A predecessor of our modern-day oral history program was the “Old Settlers’ Day” event organized by the Kent family and held at the Tamalpais Centre in Kentfield starting in 1910.

Belle C. Brown, born to a pioneering Larkspur family, recounts its origins:

“The first ‘Old Settlers’ Day’ was held at the Kentfield Stadium on December 2nd, 1910 under the auspices of the Tamalpais Centre Club. Thirty-eight pioneers assembled there and Congressman William Kent presided.

Congressman William Kent, founder of Marin’s Old Settlers’ Day. Anne T. Kent California Room Collection.

It was the very dear wish of Mr. Kent that the old settlers of Marin County come together occasionally and spend a few happy hours living over bygone days. The warm, loving heart of Mr. Kent was never happier than when planning for these meetings and listening to the tales of the pioneers.

On the first ‘Old Settlers’ Day’ Mr. Kent spoke with regret of the passing of the Old California hospitality and pleaded that the pioneers keep this hospitality alive in their hearts and homes.

Among the assembled guests was Stephen Richardson, grandson of the Spanish Commander [and son of William Richarson, grantee of Rancho Saucelito]. Mr. Stephen Richardson was the oldest Native Son of California; he came to Marin County in 1841. After much happy interchange of tales of Early Marin, the day was closed with the singing of ‘Auld Lang Syne.’

William Richardson (1795–1896) grantee of Rancho Saucelito and father of Stephen Richardson. Anne T. Kent California Room Collection.

After the passing of Mr. Kent, the Tamalpais Centre continued the ‘Old Settlers’ Days’ in loving memory of one whose life was so closely interwoven with the growth of the County and whose benefactions so materially promoted that growth.”

Editor’s Note: In future articles, we will recount some of the tales told by Marin’s old settlers at this annual event.

Originally published at https://annetkent.kontribune.com.



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