Two-Day Independence Day Celebration at the Hotel Bon Air, Larkspur

by Laurie Thompson

Bon Air Hotel, 1907, as published in the Northwestern Pacific Railroad’s “Vacation” Guide. Anne T. Kent California Room Collection.

Turn-of-the-century Larkspur was home to the Hotel Bon Air, a resort along the Corte Madera Creek and site of today’s Marin General Hospital. The 1907 Vacation guide published by the Northwestern Pacific Railroad describes the resort as “A modern hotel located in the heart of scenic Ross Valley. Only five-minutes’ walk from Escalle station, on a little niche on the hillside overlooking the entire Ross Valley. From its veranda can be obtained a grand view of Mt. Tamalpais and the surrounding evergreen hills. Salt water bathing, distant two minutes from the hotel. Rates $10.00 and upwards per week.”

In 1902, Independence Day was celebrated over two days by 150 guest at the Hotel Bon Air as described in the July 13th San Francisco Call:

The 150 guests of the Hotel Bon Air, Ross Valley, celebrated the Fourth of July in true patriotic spirit. All arrangements were left to a committee of five of the guests who arranged for a suitable programme for the two days. On the morning of the Fourth, the children were grouped around the flagpole and after the firing of a salute, the flag was raised, accompanied by a suitable recitation by Master Frank Armer, and the singing of patriotic songs by the children. The Declaration of Independence was read by Charles L. Patton and was followed by the usual noisy day fireworks. In the evening an elaborate display of fireworks was given on the lawn in front of the hotel, which was witnessed by the numerous guests from the verandas. After the fireworks the guests were treated to a sumptuous repast. On the night following, a grand ball was given to wind up the festivities. The two spacious ballrooms were beautifully decorated and some 150 couples danced to the strains of a stringed orchestra until the wee small hours o’ the morning.

For more information on the Hotel Bon Air we recommend Larkspur Past and Present and In the Heart of Marin: A History of Kentfield and Greenbrae.

Originally published at



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