As another USC scandal takes place, the school’s scandalous history is brought to light

Jeannine Briggs
Annenberg Youth Academy 2019
2 min readJul 29, 2019

By Jeannine Briggs

(Photo Courtesy of Annenberg Media/ Jeannine Briggs)

The University of Southern California located near Downtown Los Angeles has been involved in countless sandals since its founding in 1880. Still, it continues to uphold a famed and positive reputation. Students suggest that due to the massive student body, even high profile scandals do not take effect on a majority.

Just three months ago, the FBI unintentionally stumbled upon one of the largest college admissions scandal ever. Wealthy parents paid excessive amounts to ensure their child’s acceptance to top notch universities. Among the 8 universities involved in the scheme, was USC. However, this would not be the university’s first scandal. In 2018, USC’s medical dean, Dr. Carmen Puliafito, was forced to resign because he was linked to prostitutes and drug use. Another USC medical professional Dr. George Tyndall (a 71 year old gynecologist) was accused of being a sexual predator who preyed on young and vulnerable students, by a considerable amount of women.

Although one would think that such serious issues would disturb and concern students to some extent, when reached for comment, a 23 year old female grad student, Alexis McDonald, said, “It doesn’t really affect me… so it doesn’t make me not trust it [USC and its administrators]” This quote echoes the humanitarian idea that if something doesn’t include you there is not anything to worry about. The fault with this ideal is that the only pathway to effective change is if multiple people who the issues do not include join those who are affected. This way the administration realizes that failure to fix these problems might result in damage to the prestige of the university.

Still, how are countless scandals not detrimental to the image of USC? The answer lies in significant age, location and students belonging to the university. One can argue that the academics and opportunities are simply exceptional at the school and while this may be true there are other, less advertised reasons. Rich students and students with famous parents often attend schools like USC. As long as these students continue to be enrolled, the university will uphold a noteworthy reputation.

Dr. Tyndall was arrested for the alleged sexual abuse and was charged with 29 counts of sexual assult. Since being in court, Tyndall’s bail has been lowered by an L.A. Superior court judge.

