Norma Jean Knight

Jeannine Briggs
Annenberg Youth Academy 2019
2 min readJul 29, 2019

By Jeannine Briggs

Norma Knight by Annenberg Youth Academy/ Jennine Briggs

Norma Jean Knight is a 16-year-old rising junior who attends Reseda Charter High school. Norma truly lights up a room as soon as she walks into it. She would regularly arrive in the morning with a positive attitude and glitter or stickers on her face. Norma said that she strongly enjoys making others happy and this is apparent after just a few minutes of interacting with her.

When Norma speaks, she makes sure that her audience is following along. Everything she says has a clear purpose behind it. Whether this is to simply make others laugh, or to portray her passion for a certain subject, a message is most definitely received- and leaves an impact on the listener.

When asked about a possible career, Norma responded, “I thought films are really interesting and a good way to make media and a good way to share ideas… I’m also very interested in science… One career that I’m really interested in is being a veterinarian.” Norma also mentioned that she would be interested a career that is “art-influenced.” She discovered that she was interested in a possible career in film was when she had time off from school. “I just watched movies. I just loved it. It was just so much fun to me getting lost in… worlds and ideas… you just feel connected to something bigger than you are…” she said. A moment that prompted her to become a vet was when there was an injured bird that Norma saved for a day, but eventually died. “It was this feeling that you want to help this thing, this animal, this creature, that can’t help itself…”

“I want to be more than where I come from…” Norma said when talking about schools she used to attend and the community around her. “You aren’t where you come from.”

Norma hopes to attend UC Davis in the future. When it comes to college and the road to getting there, she said that she is “terrified of the SAT” and that she will be taking in the upcoming school year.

In terms of Annenberg Youth Academy, Norma said “This is an achievement. I’m kind of feeling it.” She went on to say, “I’m really proud of all the people here!” Once again, a wonderful example of how Norma strives to put others before herself and aims to support and improve the lives of others.

