‘Animals can’t tell the difference between food and trash,’ so save them

Annenberg Youth Academy 2019
3 min readJul 29, 2019
Due to global warming, penguins were forced to adapt to warmer climates in order to survive. (Annenberg Media/Candice Lee)

The fact that there are thousands of animals dying by the minutes due to global warming and pollution kills me deep inside.

From plastic consuming to the increase of polluted gas, animals began to lose their natural habitats and were forced to migrate to areas that would not necessarily suit their body systems, leading to undeniable death.

According to an online publication, “Every year, the United States generates approximately 230 million tons of trash, which is about 4.6 pounds per person per day.” Trash that didn’t get recycled was either being buried in landfills or burn to ashes.

Tons of trash were dumped into the ocean every year causing massive pollution. (Photo courtesy of National Geographic)

Ashes resulted from waste burning, along with the exceeded carbon dioxide released from vehicles and the polluted gas that builds over time, which leads to global warming.

Due to people’s excessive use of plastics, animals have mistaken it for food and consume it without knowing the consequences. Many of them were trapped in plastics, preventing them from hunting for food which leads to dying of hunger.

Every year, besides burning it, thousands upon thousands of trash and waste was thrown into the ocean, polluting the environment. According to a publication written by Jennifer Mueller, “more than a million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals die every year from ingestion or entanglement in plastics.”

Aside from the pollution damage done by humans, trophy hunting and skinning the animals to make accessory was also other ways in which animals are killed.

In this highly competitive world, most humans became selfish as they would only do things that will benefit themselves, rather than seeing the situation from another perspective. Most were blind by the wealth and glory they received from such behaviors that they do not care if it causes pain to others.

Burning trash leads to pollution of the environment. |Photo Courtesy of joelsartore.com

Excessive trash and polluted air have done much damage to the animals just as much as it can do to humans. Studies have shown that excessive trash leads to diseases spreading through the toxic air. Due to poor behaviors, people are slowly killing themselves without even knowing it.

As a citizen of Earth, it is our duty to protect our home, our environment, and every living being on this planet. We have taken too many things for granted and it’s time for us to make a change. From decreasing the usage of gasoline-based vehicles to establish cleaning crews within our community. We are not only helping the animals and the environment but are also helping ourselves to maintain a better life style.

Save the animals by reducing un-recyclable wastes, by reducing the creation of toxic gas. Animals can’t tell the difference between food and trash, but you can. Use your power to save the powerless, protecting them from the powerful. Little by little, our nation shall return to what it was supposed to be from the very start.

