Take us: The European Millennial

Dedicated to Obama

Annet Kloprogge
Annet Shares
2 min readNov 4, 2014


There is a generation today that is put into a box that contains several very creative buzzwords such as: Uber’s children, Generation X and the most important one of all: the Millennial.

Millennials (also known as the Millennial Generation or Generation Y) are the demographic cohort following Generation X. There are no precise dates when the generation starts and ends. Researchers and commentators use birth years ranging from the early 1980s to the early 2000s. (Wikipedia)

It should be great that the media is talking so much about a generation that is known as being misunderstood, but I want to take this opportunity to tell you this:

In order to understand this generation, stop talking about us and build a relationship instead. We need it.

This is a generation that finds it a privilege to get a job after graduation, not a right. The generation that takes several ‘Workplace Experience’ jobs for absolutely no pay just to keep our resumés up to the standard that the industry gives us while many fear the future.

Take this chance to show your faith in us and take the opportunity to give us jobs even when you think it might be a risk. Invite us to meetings where you might be afraid we say something stupid or be a mentor when you think we might need it. Let us be a part of your grown up world and let us enrich it with our ridiculous views on world politics and latest viral videos.

No need for countless questionnaires that are send through spam-like emails to get a glance of how our Generation X brain works. Hire us and we’ll make the work that is meant for ourselves, the Millennials.

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Annet is a Hyper Island alumni, currently living in Amsterdam and working as a Brand Strategist.
Also gives workshops in various creative methods, productivity & team development.

