The 3D-Printing World

What’s happening with the technique that we were all so excited about

Annet Kloprogge
Annet Shares
2 min readNov 10, 2014


We’ve all seen the industry that excited us all grow rapidly. But what is the state of it right now? Here is a small selection of the possibilites in the world that is called 3D-printing.


Customisation is the key word of 3D-printing, it enables you to realise all the ideas you have in mind. Zazzy is a good example of this, they sell 3D-printed jewelry in gold and silver. It is beautiful to see such delicate and quality materials and just imagine what a great gift it would be.


When the first 3D-printers came around, people were fantasising about all the things you could do with it. Print your own pizza, make chocolate bonbons and make your own customised candy!

Well, as you can see when you click on the links, this is all possible now!

There’s even a possibility to do it yourself at home, be sure to look at the examples, they’re pretty great.


The first 3D-printed house is already being 3D-printed in Amsterdam, which clearly marks the big change happening in various industry because of these new possibilities. The creator tells us:

Each room is printed separately on site before being assembled into one house. This way the rooms can be carefully tested in a safe and easy accessible manner. Each room is different and consists of complex and tailormade architecture and unique design features.”

It’s great to see the level of creativity and imagination that goes into these projects, it shows us how the future would possibly look.

The company General Electric made a video about the future of work and it looks rather exciting.


If the whole world is starting to 3D-print, I can imagine you would feel like printing something yourself as well. There’s loads of possibilities: go to a public 3D-printing place, seek out a great model to print or craft one yourself. You can even 3D-print yourself with this pen.

Are you thinking about buying a new car? How about this option. Pretty cool right?

And if you get tired from your IKEA furniture, you can always throw in a little 3D-printed enhancement.

To end it off, this is what Russia 3D-printed:

See massive $5 MILLION 3D-printed model of St. Petersburg

Oh Russia. Always going that extra mile.

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