How to use ‘Annot. Challenges’

Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2017

Today, I have come to give you the most compact guide on how to use our new Challenge feature. Our Challenge feature is nothing like the code challenges on Hackerrank, Kaggle, or Codechef where you have to solve questions and code from scratch. In Annotdot, you are provided with two solutions to code challenges, and your challenge is to choose the best solution out of the two given solutions. Instead of coding from scratch, you just need to find the better solution and explain why you think it’s better than the other. This way, you will be able to improve your skills in finding errors in source code by comparing your answer with others.

So now, let me show you how this awesome feature works!

First, when you go to our website, you’ll land on a page that looks just like the one below. You should scroll down and press the orange button that says ‘Accept Challenge’.

Annot. Index Page

After you click on the orange button, you’ll be taken directly to the challenge question as you can see in the image below. In order to submit your answer, you must log in to Annotdot which you can do by clicking on the section highlighted with the purple line.

Challenge Page 1

Logging in to Annotdot is super easy. You can log in with your Github account or you can sign up directly which it only takes literally 10 seconds.

Sign in screen

Once you sign in, you’ll be able to submit your answer in the section highlighted with a purple line.

Challenge Page 2

For example, my friend here, chose Solution B and used markdown to explain his answer. He decided to preview his answer before submitting it. REMEMBER, at the moment, you cannot change your answer once it’s been submitted, but don’t worry! We’ll make it available for you soon enough!

Challenge Page 3

After you click ‘Submit’, you’ll see a page that looks just like the one below. Your submission will be shown to other developers who’ve submitted their answers. You can vote for the best answers as well.

Challenge Page 4

This is all for today’s Annotdot Guide! We hope that you have fun with our Challenge feature and excel your coding knowledge and skills!

For more, visit us at




Annot. is the only place where you can show off your ability and knowledge on source code through solving Code Analysis Challenges.