Hello everyone! Our team has been working hard to make your experience much more pleasant while using Annot.! We’ve got some exciting new features that will allow you to interact more with other users within our service.
We’ve added “Commenting” feature to our Project Overview :)
You can comment, ask questions, or compliment on the projects of your interest and interact with users who’ve contributed to the projects.
Now you can share any annotation with others.
You can easily share annotation or request for explanation on any line of code through Facebook, Twitter or anywhere on the web by clicking on the share button next to each line.
By the way,
Annot.’s got an “About us” page now! We thought it was about time for us to have an “About us” page. We wanted to introduce ourselves to you and give you the opportunity to meet our team who is building Annot. Of course, we will be updating its contents every once in awhile, so that we may be as transparent as possible to our users.
Well, that’s it for now! Visit us at annot.io and stay tuned for more!