New Look, New Features, New Annot.

Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2016

Hey folks! We are glad to announce that Annot. has gone through a face lift, and it is prettier than ever!

(Left) Previous landing page, (Right) Current new landing page

First of all, our landing page has gone through a huge remodeling. We wanted to show how much we value our users and their activities. So now, our new landing page shows user activities and a ranking board.

Newly added project overview page.

Some of you folks requested for a page of an overview of projects consisting of multiple files. So here it is. We’ve freshly added a project overview page that captures all activities regarding the project and provides space to record “meta information” (like a

Newly added live chatting feature

We wanted to hear from you as frequently as possible. We added live chatting that connects us to you. There is a little circle on the bottom-right corner of every page. When you click it, a chatting window pops up as shown above.

Importing from GitHub part 1.
Importing from GitHub part 2.
How to use Annot. to annotate

Last but not least, more intuitive and informative guide of “how to use Annot.” has been added on our landing page.

We truly hope that these renovations give you a more pleasant experience in our website! Visit us at and stay tuned for more!




Annot. is the only place where you can show off your ability and knowledge on source code through solving Code Analysis Challenges.