Anthony Bardaro
Annotote TLDR
Published in
1 min readJul 3, 2018


The power of the narrative…

To be seen as a principal, not an agent…

“Apple wants its phones back… A one-sided battle… Re-staking their claim… Phones have become insidious in their manipulation of our attention and behavior. Apple’s resistance will bring some much needed balance.”

Apple is the White Knight; Tim Cook a benevolent dictator; Jan Koum a martyr 🙄…

Facebook is the villain; Mark Zuckerberg a fascist; Google a mercenary 🙄…

Please, let’s calibrate our outrage accordingly…

Let’s level our moral equivalence…

Ration our ingratiation…

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Anthony Bardaro
Annotote TLDR

“Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away...” 👉 #NIA #DYODD