TLDR: Alexa is just a glorified clock radio

by Quartz (these highlights provided for you by Annotote)

Anthony Bardaro
Annotote TLDR
1 min readFeb 6, 2017


I can’t imagine that the designers at Amazon would have been thrilled with the minor achievement of having assembled the world’s foremost clock radio when they built the Amazon Echo

a glaring, Death Star-level flaw: the Echo uses Bing instead of Google.

As a result, not only is Alexa incapable of looking up even basic facts, but she can’t even really answer the questions

While the device comes with pre-programmed skills, the vast majority of them are designed by third parties and must be manually activated on the Alexa app (which has a 1-star rating on the iTunes Store).

Alexa is, at best, no more convenient than pulling out your phone, and at worst, an extra detour your take before realizing you’ll probably need to pull out your phone anyway.



Anthony Bardaro
Annotote TLDR

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