Who Am I Serving?

Day #3 of the Annual Writing Challenge.

Oren Cohen
Annual Writing Challenge


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

In September 2010, I started working in a retail store near my house. It was a small pharmacy — one branch of a large corporation here in Israel.

Until that point, I was shy and just left my first job after my army service, which was in a technical customer service phone center for a cellular company.

These six years combined left a scar on my gentle heart, but I don’t regret them. Imagine what it’s like to serve customers day after day continuously. You can get a little burned out from seeing people.

But the truth is, I was improving my people skills and customer service skills every shift.

So, today, when someone asks me who my writing helps, I’m more than ready to say geeks and creators. Many creators are geeks at heart, and those are the people I seek to serve. They are the most like me and may go through the same or perpendicular journey.

So, if you love any of the following (and also want to create content in these topics), I got you:

  • Video Games
  • Fantasy and Sci-Fi books
  • Technology
  • Content Creation in general.

Now it’s your turn. Why do you write? Let me know in the comments below.

This piece answered the third prompt in my annual writing challenge. Want to join? You can purchase it here for $1 a month: Annual Writing Challenge.

