Revolutionizing Code Review with Large Language Models: A Deep Dive into code2prompt and its Peers

Pınar Ersoy
Published in
5 min readJun 21, 2024


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The code review process, a vital component of software development, frequently requires assistance to overcome obstacles such as time limits, subjectivity, and uneven quality assurance. This is especially important in data science projects, where complicated algorithms and extensive data pipelines necessitate meticulous analysis. Emerging Large Language Models (LLMs) provide a new approach to code review, enabling automated aid and perhaps transforming the process. This study examines the functionality and potential of code2Prompt, a unique application that uses LLM capabilities to speed code review. It compares its capabilities and limitations to other popular LLM-powered solutions such as GitHub Copilot, DeepCode, and AI21 Labs’ Code Review.

1. Introduction:

Code review is an essential component of software development, assuring code quality, finding problems, and encouraging knowledge exchange among engineers. Traditional code review approaches frequently require human inspection of each line of code, resulting in time-consuming and subjective evaluations. Furthermore, the fast growth of software development standards, along with the growing complexity of data science projects, highlights the need for more efficient and resilient code review methods.

2. Current Landscape of LLM-based Code Review Tools

The use of LLMs into code review procedures has sparked significant research and development interest. A thorough literature study indicates a growing amount of work examining several approaches:

  • Code Completion Suggestions: GitHub Copilot [1] is a notable example, employing LLMs to recommend code snippets and full functions, hence speeding development and minimizing repetitive chores. However, it prioritizes code production above extensive code review.
  • Static Analysis and Bug Detection: DeepCode [2] uses LLMs for static analysis in order to detect potential flaws and code vulnerabilities. It uses a large knowledge base of code patterns and frequent faults to deliver actionable insights, which improves the identification of hidden flaws.
  • Comprehensive Code Review: AI21 Labs’ Code Review [3] takes a more holistic approach, using LLMs to provide thorough assessments that encompass code style, best practices, and any problems. This technique aims to give a more complete assessment of code quality.

3. code2Prompt: A Solution for Streamlined Code Review

code2Prompt, can be accepted as an innovative tool that takes advantage of LLM capabilities, and provides a viable answer to the problems encountered by standard code review approaches.

3.1 Deep Dive into code2prompt Functionalities:

3.1.1. Code Chunking: Based on syntactic and semantic analysis, code2Prompt divides the code into smaller, more comprehensible chunks (such as functions, methods, and code blocks). This improves comprehension and lessens cognitive overload by allowing reviewers to concentrate on particular parts of the code update [4]. It makes use of graph-based algorithms to examine relationships and dependencies between codes, guaranteeing a more precise and perceptive code chunking procedure. Based on syntactic and semantic analysis, code2Prompt divides the code into smaller, more comprehensible chunks (such as functions, methods, and code blocks). This improves comprehension and lessens cognitive overload by allowing reviewers to concentrate on particular parts of the code update [4]. It makes use of graph-based algorithms to examine relationships and dependencies between codes, guaranteeing a more precise and perceptive code chunking procedure.

  • Underlying Techniques: code2prompt analyzes the code’s dependency structure and finds coherent code pieces that can be examined separately by using sophisticated graph-based techniques. These methods have been thoroughly investigated in the field of software engineering and have shown to be successful in comprehending intricate codebases.

3.1.2. Contextualization: code2prompt is more than just chunking code. It makes use of its LLM capabilities to examine the code in relation to the repository as a whole. This entails being aware of the connections between various classes, functions, and code modules. Code2Prompt is able to provide prompts that are not only pertinent to the particular code chunk but also take into account the surrounding code and its possible ramifications thanks to this contextual understanding. By using methods such as dependency analysis, control flow analysis, and data flow analysis, this contextual analysis helps the LLM understand how various code segments are related to one another.

  • Key Concept: The idea of “contextual code understanding” a vital component of contemporary software analysis, is in line with the “contextualization” approach of code2Prompt. Code2Prompt can produce more insightful and relevant prompts by taking the context into account, which may result in more focused and efficient code reviews.

3.1.3. Prioritized Review: To prioritize code chunks based on variables like complexity, possible issues (including variables such as coding style violations, and security vulnerabilities), and the type of changes, code2Prompt uses an advanced rating system. Static analysis tools, LLM-powered code interpretation, and heuristics based on past code review data are all used in this prioritization process. Then, to guarantee that the most significant issues are resolved as soon as possible, reviewers are shown the most important code segments first. The ranking system evaluates code complexity and possible problems using metrics such as cyclomatic complexity, Halstead complexity measures, and code churn.

  • Prioritization Logic: The prioritizing logic of code2prompt is in line with studies on “risk-based code review,” which stresses emphasis on code segments that are more likely to include flaws or vulnerabilities [18]. Code2prompt is in line with this risk-based strategy by ranking code chunks according to their possible problems and complexity, which facilitates more targeted and effective code reviews.

3.1.4. Code Quality Assessment: code2prompt goes beyond bug detection to assess code quality, generating prompts related to code style, best practices, refactoring, formatting, and code complexity. This fosters maintainable and high-quality codebases. It draws upon a rich knowledge base of coding standards, design patterns, and industry best practices to generate insightful prompts for code quality improvement. code2Prompt leverages code style guidelines like PEP8 (for Python), Google Style Guide (for Java), and Airbnb Style Guide (for JavaScript) to ensure code consistency and readability.

  • Code Style Enforcement: The capacity of code2Prompt to evaluate code style and recommend enhancements aligns with the findings of studies on “automated code style enforcement.” The previous steps' endeavored to guarantee uniform code formatting, elevate readability, and augment code maintainability

4. Feature code2Prompt GitHub Copilot DeepCode AI21 Labs’ Code Review

  • Reduced Review Time: By focusing on the most critical areas, these tools can significantly reduce the time and effort required for code review.
  • Improved Code Quality: They help identify potential issues and suggest improvements, leading to higher-quality and more maintainable code.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: These tools foster communication by providing a clear and structured framework for reviewing code changes.
  • Consistency: LLMs can enforce consistent coding standards and best practices across the entire codebase.

5. Disadvantages and Challenges

  • Bias and Incompleteness: LLMs are trained on massive datasets, which may contain biases or limitations. This can lead to inaccurate recommendations or overlooked issues.
  • Explainability: Understanding the reasoning behind LLM-generated suggestions can be challenging. This lack of transparency can hinder trust and adoption.
  • Cost and Resources: LLM-based tools often require significant computational resources and expertise for deployment and maintenance.

6. Conclusion

Code review has changed dramatically with the introduction of LLMs, which provide strong tools to improve productivity, quality, and teamwork. There are still difficulties, but there are unquestionable advantages. We can create a more effective, thorough, and perceptive code review process by adopting and developing these technologies, which will ultimately result in better software and solutions that utilize data.

7. References

[1] GitHub Copilot:

[2] DeepCode:

[3] AI21 Labs’ Code Review:

[4] GitHub Repository:



Pınar Ersoy

Senior Lead Data Scientist @Dataroid, BSc Software & Industrial Engineer, MSc Software Engineer