Future mixed reality is envisioned by Meta Reality Lab

Nikita Miskin
Anoma Tech Inc
Published in
4 min readJan 18, 2023

“ The best way to predict the future is to invent it. ” — Alan Kay

2022 was a difficult year for Meta as doubts about its large wager on the metaverse grew and weakness in its core business prompted it to fire 11,000 employees. According to a series of blog entries published today, however, the corporation is still dedicated to its mixed reality goal.

The CTO of Meta, Andrew “Boz” Bosworth, admitted that it has been more difficult than the firm anticipated to realize the future vision.

Future mixed reality is envisioned by Meta Reality Lab

The pressures on Meta’s main business and the global economic issues, according to Bosworth, “generated a perfect storm of cynicism about the investments we’re making.” “These are the circumstances that really put people’s faith in the future to the test.

Making sizable, ambitious investments in the future is simple during boom times. But when economic conditions change, it is also simple to go in the opposite direction: scale back on your goals, stick to what is now safe and profitable and get as much as you can out of it.

Future mixed reality is envisioned by Meta Reality Lab

But Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg has persisted, investing more money than almost any other company in mixed reality, which includes technologies like VR and AR. According to Bosworth, failure to make investments in the future has hurt other businesses. Additionally, 2022 saw a very remarkable increase in VR gear and software sales.

“ The metaverse is here, and it’s not only transforming how we see the world but how we participate in it — from the factory floor to the meeting room. ” Satya Nadella

We’ve all witnessed the tragic results of this type of short-term thinking, according to Bosworth: hollowed-out businesses that gave up on innovation a long time ago and were willing to simply keep cranking out current businesses until they ceased to function. “Silicon Valley tends to resist this kind of short-termism, in my experience, which is one of many reasons why America has led the world in developing new technology,” the author said.

Leap into the metaverse

Bosworth, though, asserted that the business has been evolving, as shown by difficult decisions like the layoffs.

The level of investment, according to Bosworth, “makes sense for a corporation devoted to staying at the forefront of one of the most competitive and cutting-edge industries on Earth.” The good news is that, in the long term, we believe 2022 will be regarded as the year that developers and consumers first got their hands on the key pieces of technology that enabled our vision for the future.

The results of this work will benefit us for many years to come, according to Bosworth. Developers like Overlay, who created Figmin XR, an amazing app for creating virtual objects and spaces in mixed reality, are already demonstrating the immediate potential of mixed reality, which is to see your physical environment blended with digital objects. This gives you a glimpse of the future AR vision we are building for.

Augmented AI

“VR is now at a very special juncture — fundamental new components of the hardware and technology stack are hitting the market for the first time, and a community of developers and consumers is unlocking its potential in new ways,” added Bosworth. “We believe that things will only grow better in 2023.”

“ There’s not an agreement on what the metaverse is, even though one company has changed its name in anticipation of defining it.” — Eric Schmidt

He cited advancements in the machine learning revolution, which has been simmering for the last ten years and erupted this year.

He said, “Meta is by no means the only business working to push these frontiers, and we anticipate that new competitors will join us in developing for AR and VR next year. “We believe that when new devices reach the market, our industry will enter a new phase of growth and competitiveness, which will be extremely advantageous to users and the developer community. The Meta Quest 2, our all-time best-selling VR device, will be replaced by other devices that Meta will also share. You’ll adore it, In the spring, we’ll once again showcase some of the amazing new games coming out in the coming year at the Meta Quest Gaming Showcase, which you’re going to enjoy.

Mobile Augmented Reality

Additionally, Meta provided an update on their work on advanced VR and Infinite Display technologies as well as mixed reality. It was mentioned that Meta owns more than 350 optical patents and that it will include many of the newest technology in upcoming headsets.

“ In simplest terms, the metaverse is the internet, but in 3D. ”

Read more at www.anoma.io

