Modern Ways to Upskill Your Workforce

Nikita Miskin
Anoma Tech Inc
Published in
5 min readAug 1, 2022

“ Success in management requires learning as fast as the world is changing ’’ — Warren Bennis

Upskilling is the most effective way to prepare your team for the future. Here are six strategies for enhancing your team through employee upskilling.

Upskilling is the process of providing your employees with the tools, resources, and time they require to advance in their careers and personally develop.

Why is skill development significant?

Specifically, it makes your team more valuable and capable of reaping greater rewards through your company. It’s an investment in your own company, and you’ll notice a difference in how your entire workforce operates quickly.

Employee upskilling can frequently be done internally without spending any extra money.

Upskill Your Workforce

Here’s how to maximize the potential of your team,

  1. Mentoring between peers:

Peer-to-peer mentoring is one of the most effective ways to upskill a team of professionals, especially if they have varying skill levels and levels of expertise.

You can enrol your workforce in mentoring apps and external programmes. You can also start a peer-to-peer programme within your organisation. The advantages of this second option should be obvious, the knowledge shared, as well as the skills that each pair or group phones alongside one another, will be highly relevant to your line of work in particular.

The pairing has been shown to increase productivity and job satisfaction; it also tends to strengthen interpersonal relationships among team members and build into the culture of your company. When these channels of communication are kept open and accessible, the office becomes a much more inviting place to work.

2. Personal Development Plans:

Self-assessment is crucial in the professional world. Personal development plans are one way to help your employees identify knowledge and skill gaps and set goals for themselves.

A personal development plan is essentially an employee’s way of outlining their goals and aspirations and turning them into an actionable plan that results in personal progress. Once you have a better understanding of what people say they need, you will be able to figure out how to meet those needs for both your sake and theirs.

“ Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow ’’ — William Pollard

Upskill Your Workforce

3. Micro courses and Microlearning:

A traditional advanced degree is also one of the most generous gifts you can give to your workforce. However, not all businesses can afford to educate their employees to the Master’s level.

If you’re a smaller company, a start-up, or a philanthropic, non-profit organisation, micro-courses, online certification, and other micro-credential programmes may be able to help your team excel.

In some cases, bite-sized learning may be more approachable and accessible for the busy people who work hard to support your company. They may also be more industry-relevant and current than a typical classroom experience, which is usually tied to a larger, more general curriculum and overarching degree.

4. Paid Personal Training and Internal Training:

Many experts will agree that, to some extent, much of what can be done in terms of upskilling can be done internally. Incentivizing the process of self-improvement encourages your employees to go above and beyond, both on the job and on their own time.

Internal training programmes can take many different shapes. Private workshops and seminars hosted by your most talented performers can be used to strengthen both your team’s professional skills and knowledge, as well as soft skills such as leadership, communication, and conflict resolution. All of these skills are essential for any well-rounded employee, and upskilling usually results in an increased sense of confidence.

Paid personal training is simply giving your team time during the week or paid time off to grow. Employees can enrich themselves through independent study and analysis, self-reflection, and time to simply learn on their own.

5. Hiring a consultant or an Outside Expert:

What’s left after you’ve done everything you can think of? Hiring an outside training service or an independent consultant may open doors that you were unaware existed. It can sometimes be worthwhile to invest in a certified enrichment specialist.

Many professionals volunteer their time to online professional mentorship platforms, acting as coaches for those who are just starting out in the business. Mentorship platforms are the most effective way to connect each member of your team with senior leaders in their specific field for hands-on, personalised upskill training and development.

“ Upskilling is not an option, But a necessity ’’ — Ashok Veda

Upskill Your Workforce

6. Creating a Culture of Continuous Learning in the Workplace:

Even in the professional world, learning should be a lifelong obsession.

What is the best way to create a company culture that drives people out of complacency?

Your open-door policy, honest and well-intentioned feedback and even a simple, twenty-minute one-on-one meeting are all excellent strategies that you can extend to your team.

Aside from these interpersonal services, you should also lay the groundwork and even build the infrastructure for a work environment that encourages upskilling and reskilling. Having personal enrichment spaces in the office, for example, sends a message to your employees that they are expected to learn and grow, rather than simply filling a role mindlessly.

Allow the spirit of self-improvement to take root and lead your team to greater heights. Always challenge them, and never be afraid to lend a helping hand if you see them struggling. If you can provide the assistance they require to succeed, you will be repaid in kind later on.

What will your team look like in a year?

Upskilling training does not have to fit into a specific mould. Depending on your company and the nature of your work, your upskilling strategy may include all or none of the suggestions above. Make the process fit the people you’re working with and their needs. The rest will fall into place perfectly.

Once the ball is rolling, the benefits of upskilling training will be abundantly clear. You may discover that your upskilling plan allows you to grow just as much as your team.

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