Call for Work: it’s a good day to be trans!

ANMLY invites trans writers and artists to contribute to
our upcoming folio on trans joy.

Sarah Clark
2 min readDec 30, 2022


A close shot of a ball pit filled with bright pink, purple, blue, green and yellow balls.

Lately, it seems we can’t go on the internet or step outside without being reminded of trans suffering. To combat this, let’s highlight the joy we experience, written by us and for us. Send your poems, collages, essays, flash, and hybrid pieces that center trans joy in any and all forms it takes. This call is purposely broad — joy can manifest in many, often complicated, ways especially for marginalized groups. I’m largely interested in pieces that leave a trans reader (or writer) thinking, “it’s a good day to be trans!”

Any and every trans writer is welcome to send their work. Submissions from trans writers of color are especially encouraged.

This folio will be guest edited by SG Huerta.

The technical stuff:

For poems and other shorter works, send 1–3 pieces in the body of your email. For prose, send no more than 2000 words in the body of your email.
If your piece requires special formatting, feel free to send a doc, docx, or PDF.

All submissions should be sent to along with a brief third-person bio and optional photo.

Deadline: February 15, 2023, 11:59pm CST

SG Huerta is a Chicane writer from Dallas. They are the author of the poetry chapbooks The Things We Bring with Us (Headmistress Press 2021) and Last Stop (Defunkt Magazine 2023). Their work has appeared in Split Lip Magazine, Infrarrealista Review, and elsewhere. They live in Texas with their partner and two cats. Find them at or on Twitter @sg_poetry.



Sarah Clark

EIC & Reviews Ed @Anomaly ( NDN, two-spirit/queer, neurodiverse. Can’t pass a Turing test. Haunted house for a body.