Review: Elena Karina Byrne’s SQUANDER (Omnidawn, 2016)

Maureen Alsop
Published in
1 min readJan 15, 2018
Squander, by Elena Karina Byrne. Omnidawn, 2016. 96pp, poetry.

Understanding is worship. Elena Karina Byrne’s third book of poetry Squander is no wastrel. A simple scan of the table of contents prepares the reader for a language map which travels from William Shakespeare, John Berryman, St. Augustine, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Georgia O’Keefe, Rainer Maria Rilke, Jorge Louis Borges, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Lewis Carroll, Marcel Proust, Walt Whitman, Marianne Moore, Theodore Roethke, Yoko Mishima, Virginia Woolf, Richard Tuttle, Giovanni Boccaccio…tighten your seatbelt.



Maureen Alsop
Writer for

Maureen Alsop, PhD, is the author of four books of poetry including Apparition Wren, Mantic, Later, Knives & Trees, and Mirror Inside Coffin.