Poetic Conversations: Guest Poet-Artist Erin Vachon

jojo Lazar
Published in
2 min readAug 8, 2023

A note from editor jojo Lazar: I’m so lucky to share our first collection of submitted hybrid poetry to the Poetic Conversations column. Erin Vachon kindly replied to my call for work on social media. I hope you enjoy these spectacular collage poems / assemblages.

Avian Transfiguration I
Avian Transfiguration II

Avian Transfiguration I. is cut from: Pasquier, Roger F.. Watching Birds: An Introduction to Ornithology. United Kingdom: Houghton Mifflin, 1980.

Avian Transfiguration II. is cut from: Ovid. Metamorphoses, 201. United Kingdom: Penguin Books Limited, 2004.

Plinian Eruption I
Plinian Eruption II

Plinian Eruption I: Ovid. Metamorphoses, 195–6. United Kingdom: Penguin Books Limited, 2004.

Plinian Eruption II: Ovid. Metamorphoses, 191–3. United Kingdom: Penguin Books Limited, 2004.


Erin Vachon’s work appears in Black Warrior Review, SmokeLong Quarterly, DIAGRAM, Hayden’s Ferry Review, The Pinch, and Brevity, among others. They are a Submissions Editor at SmokeLong Quarterly and read novels for Split/Lip Press. They were a recipient of the SmokeLong Fellowship for Emerging Writers, a Writer-in-Residence at Linden Place, and an alum of the Tin House Summer Workshop. Their writing appears in the Wigleaf Top 50 and has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best of Net, and Best Microfictions. Find them at www.erinvachon.com

Bluesky @erinvachon.bsky.social | Twitter @erinjvachon | Instagram/Threads @erinvachonwriter

Poet Erin Vachon



jojo Lazar
Editor for

Artist-Writer, Art-enabler. 'Poetic Conversations' column at ANMLY. Creative Writing Bubbe, Hype Poet. (aka @Poetesss)