Pulse: A Response

Anomaly LIT
Published in
2 min readJun 17, 2016
Puerto Rican flag in Pride colors.

We are holding this space for our queer latinx gente to respond to the #Pulse Orlando nightclub shooting, in any language, genre, form, and format they want to.

While we respect that many people feel as though they want to be in solidarity with the city of Orlando, we are centering in this space the voces of #Pulse, the latinx and queer who are still as always the subject of multiple oppressions and erasures. We refuse to participate in that erasure in our responses. We are Pulse.

This space is intended to remain open for the ongoing collective responses. We are not interested in the sensationalism of the news cycle. We grieve and rage differently and at different speeds. Some of our contributors respond immediately, with language and art, because that is our refuge and our right. Some of our contributors will take weeks, months, years to create the response that is theirs. We will remain here long after the news has moved on to other stories. We are still here. We are still Pulse.

Esto forma parte de un foro abierto sobre #Pulse para cualquier latinx queer que desee contribuir, en cualquier idioma, género o formato. Por favor escribir a erica@drunkenboat.com.

This is part of an open forum on #Pulse, open to any queer latinx who wants to contribute, in any language or genre or format. Please write to erica@drunkenboat.com



Anomaly LIT
Writer for

The blog side of Anomaly, an online journal of arts and literature.