Anoma Community Update: April 2022

Anoma | Intent-centric Architecture
5 min readMay 4, 2022

Welcome to the first Anoma Community Update! Community is central to everything that we are trying to accomplish with Anoma, and so we thought it was important to share regular updates on how we are connecting with the different members from across this vibrant space.

The past month has been one of the busiest and most exciting for Anoma when it comes to the community. Our team got together in Amsterdam for DevConnect, where we had the great pleasure of speaking at a range of events, joining panel discussions, and round tables. We also have had the pleasure of joining a number of podcasts, launched a new visual identity, and have been busy working on the first fractal instance of Anoma — Namada.

Here are this month’s updates from the Anoma community:

The new face of Anoma

Have you noticed? Anoma has a new face. This new identity reflects the exciting developments coming up this year. Our new brand encapsulates and communicates Anoma’s vision of a world where coordination happens sovereignly and users can operate, build and use their own coordination mechanisms.


Our team got together at this year’s DevConnect in Amsterdam, where we joined others from across the community at an exciting and stimulating fortnight of events.

We also had the great pleasure of speaking at a wide range of events, including:

Privacy in Cosmos

Hosted by Zero Knowledge Validator (ZKV), the fourth edition of ‘Privacy in Cosmos’ was the first to take place in person.

Christopher Goes at Privacy in Cosmos

Privacy Paradigm: Building a more secure world

Co-hosted with Nym and Maven 11, Anoma joined forces to present ‘Privacy Paradigm: Building a more secure world,’ which consisted of numerous talks ranging in complexity around the topic of privacy.

  • Christopher gave his take on privacy as a public good, specifically referencing the cross-chain aspects of this debate.
  • Adrian joined a panel discussion on the need for privacy in Web3.
Christopher Goes at Privacy Paradigm

Zero Knowledge Summit 7

ZKSummit 7 brought together the leading thinkers and builders in the zero knowledge space to learn about the latest research in SNARKs, STARKs, cryptographic primitives, and privacy.

Schelling Point Amsterdam

With a focus on self-sovereignty, coordination technology, and ‘the many fruits of public goods’, Schelling Point is an event that encompasses several key pillars of Anoma.

  • Christopher spoke on the design constraints of decentralized universal basic income (UBI) / Proof of Humanity.
  • Anoma co-founder Awa Sun Yin gave a talk on multidimensional economies.
  • Finally, Christopher led a discussion on decentralized sanctions.
Christopher Goes at Schelling Point Amsterdam was a full-day event that brought together researchers and key stakeholders from the ecosystem to understand the status quo and explore the MEV research space.

Christopher Goes at
  • Christopher spoke on the subject of fair ordering and gave a proposal to frontrun cross-chain MEV.
  • He also joined a round table discussion on the interplay between MEV and consensus layer design.

You can watch the full recording here.

Anoma Huddle: Amsterdam

Following Anoma’s first ever huddle in Berlin in March, we were super excited to host the Anoma Huddle in Amsterdam on the final day of DevConnect.

Keep an eye out for our next huddle coming soon!

Awa Sun Yin at the Anoma Huddle: Amsterdam

Awa joins in the discussion on gift economies

Awa joined a Kernel Fireside about the gift economies in the context of Web3, and how tools like Anoma fit into these spaces.

Watch ‘The Gift’


Adrian and Christopher are featured on the Epicenter Podcast

On episode 438 of the Epicenter podcast, Anoma co-founders Adrian and Christopher discussed topics ranging from why Anoma was created, the roadmap going forward, and Namada in relation to Anoma.

Watch the podcast episode on Epicenter

Adrian talks about reinventing money

Adrian joined a second podcast in April, ‘DeFi Decoded,’ hosted by Alex Tapscott and Andrew Young. In this episode, they discussed use cases for Anoma, and how the protocol solves current coordination issues.

Watch the podcast ‘DeFi Decoded’

A community for a self-sovereign future

All of this month’s events and interactions have been a great opportunity to connect with others who, like us, are fascinated by overcoming the challenges, embracing the opportunities, and unlocking the value of a private, coordinated, and self-sovereign future.

As always, make sure to stay updated on twitter and subscribe to our newsletter. Also be sure to look out for the upcoming release of Namada, the first protocol version and fractal instance of Anoma!

