Anoma Community Updates: August 2022

Anoma | Intent-centric Architecture
6 min readSep 2, 2022

Things really started heating up in August for the Anoma community!

The team joined events around the world — from Seoul to Las Vegas — sharing updates on Anoma and Namada. We also had the chance to attend conferences and connect with a range of news and media, and are looking forward to more great events in the months ahead.

Here’s what the team got up to in August:

Anoma in Seoul: BUIDL Asia, ZK Night, and ETH Seoul

Co-founder Adrian Brink speaking at BUIDL Asia in Seoul

Members of the Anoma team kicked off the month of August in Seoul, South Korea, where the humidity and tropical storms weren’t enough to put a dampener on Korea’s vibrant blockchain community.

The team gave talks at the first BUIDL Asia to take place in three years, where more than 550 attendees crowded into the Sofitel in Songpa-gu to hear a range of talks from projects across the space.

On Friday, August 5th, the team headed over to Gangnam-gu for ZK Night, hosted by KryptoSeoul, along with teams from Aleo, Polygon, and Radius, among others.

Finally, Adrian gave a talk on Anoma at the first ever ETH Seoul, joining an impressive roster that included Vitalik Buterin, Rahat Chowdhury, and Alex Pruden, and plenty of others.

Read the full Anoma Seoul Round-up:

Awa Sun Yin Q&A in Korea IT Times

Co-founder Awa Sun Yin was interviewed by Korea IT Times for a Q&A on Anoma. In the interview, Awa covered subjects ranging from Anoma’s design principles, to the importance of connecting with the local blockchain community in Seoul during BUIDL Asia.

On Anoma’s intent-centric design, Awa commented that, “In Anoma’s declarative paradigm model facilitated with user intents, users are only signing their desired end result and do not have to reason through the process. The protocol is designed to settle the intents as described or not settle them at all — providing way higher assurance, control and UX to users.”

Read the Q&A here:

“Taiga: A dark forest of zero-knowledge programmability” — Christopher Goes at ZCon3

Co-founder Christopher Goes speaking at ZCon3 in Las Vegas

There’s no rest for the wicked, and our co-founders flew directly from Seoul to Las Vegas for ZCon3, where co-founder, Christopher Goes, gave his talk, titled “Taiga: A dark forest of zero-knowledge programmability”.

The conference coincided with the US government’s decision to sanction Tornado Cash, which gave a very poignant dimension to the discussions around privacy and the future of zero-knowledge tech, and definitely became a clear focus of the event.

Watch Christopher’s talk:

“Are state-backed blockchains dangerous?” — Adrian Brink on

Co-founder Adrian Brink was interviewed by Loredana Matei, Founder of, in which explained Anoma’s work, the research we are doing, before diving in to why he isn’t worried about state-backed blockchains.

Adrian commented that “China might be able to pull this off because they are already very centralized, but I am not worried about the US government being able to build a blockchain… and I don’t think [state-backed blockchains] are something we should all be worried about.” He went on to explain how governments could potentially innovate using blockchain technology for monetary policy.

Watch the full interview:

Heliax Summer Retreat

The Heliax team in Italy at the Summer Retreat

The teams behind Anoma and Namada had the opportunity to get together IRL in the Italian countryside for a week of talks, discussions, and coworking.

During this time together, not only did we enjoy great food and conversation, but also defined the roadmaps for Anoma’s component projects including Taiga, Juvix, and Vamp-IR — as well as the phased launch of Namada which is planned for the remainder of this year.

It was also an important time for the teams to share what they are working on. One such talk was on Typhon, from Isaac Sheff. You can watch his talk on Typhon from Nebular Summit in July here:

If you’re interested in joining the team, you’re in luck! We have a number of open positions, including:

View all our open positions:

The Science of Blockchain Conference (SBC) 2022

Our co-founders returned to the West coast for SBC 2022 at Stanford University. As well as a host of amazing talks on the future of blockchain — set to the backdrop of unsettling shifts in the regulatory environment in the US — this conference was also a perfect opportunity to connect with some of the leading minds in Web3, many of whom are trying to solve the hardest problems surrounding the future of blockchain.

Subscribe to the new Anoma YouTube channel!

The new Anoma YouTube channel

Head on over to the new and improved Anoma YouTube channel for the latest recordings from Anoma events, as well as talks, panels, and interviews given by the team.

Here are some of the talks that you will find there:

Subscribe now:

See you in Berlin and Medellin!

September is another busy month of events — the team will convene in Berlin for Dappcon, zkSummit8, and Re:Generate, and we’ll also be in Medellin for Cosmoverse.

We look forward to more opportunities to connect IRL with members of our community from around the world. If you are going to be in Berlin, be sure to say hello!

We will also be hosting our own events in both cities, so be sure to stay tuned on Twitter for more details in the coming days.

We’re better together!

Whether you’re an experienced developer or you’re new to the space, we always want to hear from our community — and anyone who’s interested in our vision and technology. If you have questions, or just want to get the latest news, please make sure to follow us on Discord and Twitter. See you soon!

