Anoma Community Updates: September 2022

Anoma | Intent-centric Architecture
6 min readOct 4, 2022
Anoma Community Updates: September 2022

In September the Anoma team continued to let the good times roll, joining with members of the community from around the world.

After a bustling Summer season, September was no different, and the team joined events ranging from Berlin Blockchain Week to Cosmoverse in Medellin, giving talks on Anoma and Namada, having discussions, and connecting with people who are as excited about the potential of Web3 as we are.

Here’s what the team got up to in September:

Berlin Blockchain Week: Anoma Huddle, DappCon, zkSummit8, and Re:generate

Co-founder, Christopher Goes, speaking at zkSummit8

On September 12th, we got together with our community at Spreewalker in Kreuzberg for an Anoma Huddle. Thematically centered on building interchain and cross-chain, the event was split into two parts, with introductions from a range of projects in the first, and then an exciting panel discussion in the second. There was plenty of time in-between for drinks, food, and BOARD GAMES!

From September 12th — 15th, the team attended DappCon, which assembles dapp developers from around the world, providing the “opportunity for co-creating the future of dapps, while engaging the community in open critical discussions and experiential learning.” The Anoma team were glad to contribute a number of talks to the three-day event, with co-founder Awa Sun Yin speaking on the first day, and co-founder Adrian Brink taking the stage on the second.

On September 15th, we were super excited to participate in zkSummit8, which brought together the best thinkers and builders in the zero knowledge space to learn about the latest research, SNARKs, STARKs, cryptographic primitives, privacy, and mathematics. The one-day, invite-only event consisted of a mixture of topic-oriented talks and interactive workshops. Awa gave her talk “ZKPs and Other Cryptography” and Christopher presented “Namada — Providing privacy to users in an interchain world.”

Finally, also on September 15th, the team headed over to Re:generate, hosted by Toucan Protocol and co-sponsored by us, Celo, and Return Protocol. The event provided a day of workshops, roundtables, and discussions focused on regenerative finance, decentralized science, and blockchain for impact and public goods.

Read the full Berlin Blockchain Week Round-up:

Anoma in Medellin: Interchain Travel and Cosmoverse

Next up, the team headed to the birthplace of magical realism — Colombia. We had plenty of great discussions, and co-hosted our event Interchain Travel, as well as delivering a talks at Cosmoverse.

Interchain Travel

Interchain Travel in Medellin

Hosted on September 27th, Interchain Travel was an otherworldly exploration of some of the most exciting areas of blockchain technology. Co-hosted with our friends from Nebular Summit, Interchain Travel was an exciting evening of radical discussions, accompanied by great Colombian cuisine and cocktails.

Part One

Panel discussion at Interchain Travel in Medellin

The first half of the event comprised two talks and a panel. Seb from Nebular Summit kicked off the proceedings, introducing the event and setting the stage for what was to follow. He handed the mic to Zaki Manian who gave his talk on Atom 2.0. Zaki.

Next up, Interchain Travel flew to the world of Anoma, and co-founder, Adrian Brink, gave a quick introduction to Anoma and was then followed by computer scientist Naqib Zarin, who gave an introduction to Typhon, Anoma’s extension of the great work completed by Tendermint. Naqib explained that, “Typhon is an open source specification and library, which can be adopted independently of other parts of the Anoma protocol stack. We hope to extend the Cosmos ecosystem by providing an evolution to Tendermint.”

The first half of the event concluded with a panel discussion moderated by co-founder Awa Sun Yin, and featuring Ethan from Cosmos, Sunny from Osmosis, Zaki from Sommelier Finance, Nick from Celestia Labs, Susannah from the Interchain Foundation, and our very own, Adrian Brink. The panel explored topics surrounding multi-chain and interchain development, and modular blockchains. In this broad and intense discussion, panelists shared their views on what a utopian future could look like, and how to avoid the impending dystopia being peddled by Web2.

Part Two

Bengt Lofgren and Iraklis Leontiadis at Interchain Travel

After a short break—fueled by great discussions and cocktails — the second half of Interchain Travel blasted into orbit.

Henry de Valence from Penumbra launched part two, giving his exploration of the future of coordination and how Penumbra are working to create a shielded, cross-chain network allowing anyone to securely transact without forfeiting their individual right to privacy.

He then handed over to Bengt Lofgren, Product Lead for Namada at Anoma, and Iraklis Leontiadis, cryptographer at Anoma. Bengt first dove into the topic of Namada, our first blockchain which provides asset agnostic, private transfers, explaining the importance of privacy and how we aim to deliver upon our objectives. Iraklis then explained the work being undertaken around private bridges, and how we are overcoming the challenges of bridging between different sovereign chains.

Part two of Interchain Travel culminated in a panel discussion focusing global communities and multi-chain ecosystems, and was moderated by Jelena Djuric from Cosmos, and featured Sebastien from The Interop, Felix from Chorus One, Spaydh from P2P Validator, and Chjango Unchained ⛓️ from Interchain FM.


Adrian took to the stage on day two to give his talk “Anoma: One architecture for full-stack decentralization”. He began by giving context to Anoma, before diving into why it represents the third generation of blockchains, and how it will deliver decentralized counterparty discovery and solving, as well as settlement.

Watch his full talk:

Subscribe to the New Anoma YouTube channel!

Head on over to the new and improved Anoma YouTube channel for the latest recordings from Anoma events, as well as talks, panels, and interviews given by the team.

Here are some of the talks that you will find there:

Subscribe now:

See you in Bogota!

The next stop on the team’s travels is Bogota, where we’ll be attending Schelling Point, DevCon, and enjoying more Colombian culture and cuisine. If you’re going to be at any of these events, be sure to look out for the team, who would love the chance to connect with you IRL, as always.

Community es todo

Whether you’re an experienced developer or you’re new to the space, we always want to hear from our community — and anyone who’s interested in our vision and technology.

If you have questions, or just want to get the latest news, please make sure to follow us on Discord and Twitter. See you soon!

