UPDATED: Staking Akash ($AKASH): How to delegate Akash via Lunie wallet

Stake Akash Network (AKASH) tokens and delegate to Anonstake’s validator via Lunie wallet

4 min readOct 14, 2020


Lunie Wallet announced it will suspend its services. Please check these alternative tutorials:

  • Staking AKASH ($AKT): How to delegate AKASH via Cosmostation iOS/Android wallet: https://medium.com/anonstake/staking-akash-akt-guide-to-delegating-akash-using-the-cosmostation-android-ios-wallet-6361f82a2edb
  • Staking Akash ($AKT): How to delegate Akash via Keplr Wallet: https://medium.com/anonstake/staking-akash-akt-how-to-delegate-akash-via-keplr-wallet-460cf9b00106

What is Akash Network?

The Akash Network is a secure, transparent, and decentralized cloud computing marketplace that connects those who need computing resources (tenants) with those that have the computing capacity to lease (providers). Akash acts as a super cloud platform — providing a unified layer above all providers on the marketplace so as to present clients with a single cloud platform, regardless of which particular provider they may be using.

Anonstake.com provides public delegation services to retail token holders. Our professional team is passionate about blockchain, new IT technologies, and has a mix of youth and experienced team members. We have been contributing to the blockchain industry since 2016 and have the know-how and the hardware capabilities to ensure and design highly available network infrastructure.

Please 👏 to share and get Anons to start staking!

Follow us on platforms below:

Website: anonstake.com

Telegram: t.me/anonstakecom

Twitter: www.twitter.com/anonstake

Facebook: fb.me/anonstake

Facebook Messenger: http://m.me/anonstake

A step-by-step tutorial on how to delegate Akash via Lunie web wallet

a) Visit Lunie’s web wallet and install Lunie Browser Extension

You will require Lunie Browser Extension to import your account, which you can get here https://bit.ly/lunie-ext.

Click on the Lunie Browser Extension and follow to Chrome extension store here: https://bit.ly/lunie-ext

Visit https://app.lunie.io/ and choose Akash from the list of coins.

b) Create or import your account via Lunie Browser extension

  1. Create a new address or if you already have an account, then you can import it with your backup mnemonic words.
  2. Choose Name of the wallet’s address
  3. Choose a password for transaction approvals
  4. Backup your mnemonic phrase in a secure location because you will require it to access your funds.
1. Create or import your backup mnemonic words.| 2. Choose Name | 3. Choose password | 4. Backup mnemonic words

c) Delegate your Akash to Anonstake validator

Step 1: Click “Validators” in the left sidebar or “Validator list”.

Step 2: On the validator list scroll or search for Anonstake.

Step 3: Press “Stake” on the validator’s profile page to delegate

Step 1: Navigate to “Validators” in left sidebar | Step 2: On validator list search for Anonstake | Step 3: Press “Stake” to delegate

Step 4: Insert the chosen amount AKASH amount you want to delegate

Step 5: Confirm fees and press “Next”

Step 6: Send delegation transaction request to Lunie wallet

Step 4: Insert the chosen amount AKASH amount you want to delegate | Step 5: Confirm fees and press “Next” | Step 6: Send delegation transaction request to Lunie wallet

Step 7: In the Lunie extension browser’s pop-up window approve the delegation transaction by pressing “Approve”

Step 7: In Lunie extension browser’s pop-up window approve the delegation transaction by pressing “Approve”

Congratulations, you are now staking your Akash with Anonstake 🎊 👏 Check out anonstake.com for more informations! 🤓

Visit explorers to check your balance was captured correctly:

You can check if everything is as you expected on explorers and check balances, transaction history, and more! Visit:

You can check your delegation transaction on Dashboard ✅ and these explorers:

What is Akash Network?

The Akash Network is a secure, transparent, and decentralized cloud computing marketplace that connects those who need computing resources (tenants) with those that have the computing capacity to lease (providers). Akash acts as a super cloud platform — providing a unified layer above all providers on the marketplace so as to present clients with a single cloud platform, regardless of which particular provider they may be using.

Anonstake.com provides public delegation services to retail token holders. Our professional team is passionate about blockchain, new IT technologies, and has a mix of youth and experienced team members. We have been contributing to the blockchain industry since 2016 and have the know-how and the hardware capabilities to ensure and design highly available network infrastructure.

Please 👏 to share and get Anons to start staking!

Follow us on platforms below:

Website: anonstake.com

Telegram: t.me/anonstakecom

Twitter: www.twitter.com/anonstake

Facebook: fb.me/anonstake

Facebook Messenger: http://m.me/anonstake




Anonstake provides public delegation services to retail token holders.