A Quick Note from the Core Team’s Desk

Shaurya Malwa
Published in
2 min readMay 4, 2018

In light of the various anti-progressive elements around the announcement of our hard-fork, it’s prudent for Anonymous Bitcoin to officially address the topic.

In all honestly, Knowledge is one of the things most people falter at, and a peculiar human fallacy is the tendency to collectively echo thoughts— like bees in a hive —irregardless of their meaning, throwing away all logical rhyme and reason.

The ethos of bitcoin, and blockchain, lies deeply in its decentralized, open-source nature.

Anyone willing to put in the man-hours can work on a project, irrespective of caste, creed, or color, and yet, the very ethos of open-source is humorously opposed by coins who claim to be “building the decentralized world.”

Let’s take a time machine back to 2008, when a person/s called Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin.

We all know what happened later. He disappeared without a trace —leaving only his code behind.

All the years after that, are simply collective efforts of individuals across the world who are willing to see a complex, decentralized financial system that exists beyond anything their mind could previously visualize.

Did Nakamoto call them “frauds” ?

Did they build BTC to “pump the price” ?

No one knows, yet ten years later, the cryptocurrency sector is challenging all status quo.

All because someone decided to build what Nakamoto abandoned.

Year after year, group after group came together to announce their own project, their own coin, and more recently — their own fork.

And here we are, another team, another collection of individuals, who are taking that ideology ahead to create something that will last beyond our tiny life-time.

What are we doing?

Simply taking the privacy protocols of a project which over-promised and under-delivered, and fusing it with the best parts of the pioneer cryptocurrency.

In short, building much better what someone abandoned.

We are highly transparent in every step, and each one of our team members can be reached personally on various social mediums.

Compare this to billion-dollar crypto-teams with NO PRODUCT, NO WHITEPAPER, and NO PRIOR WORK EXPERIENCE.

I can open the kimono a lot more give you a lot of details, but we like surprises. Our snapshot is not until September, 2018, and every other week, we’d like to slowly give out info, bit by bit.

To fully understand what a hard fork is, and why WE are choosing to hard-fork ZCL and BTC, take a look here —


The future is here, and we love criticism.

Because only when your rival speaks against you, is when you know you are progressing.


To all non-believers, FUDDER’s, believers, and Anons,

Shaurya Malwa,

Core Team



Shaurya Malwa
Editor for

Let’s aim to make crypto and blockchain easy to understand and accessible to all. Co-founder of Pocket Node.