A Series of Unfortunate Events in Tennessee

Tiffany Shera
Anonymous Confessions
4 min readSep 1, 2019

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Photo by Ksenia Makagonova on Unsplash

Submitted 8/31/2019

Years ago I was living in a creepy old house out on the edge of town that was sectioned off into apartments. Above me, there was a lady who I’ll call Gail who was a good bit older, but she liked to drink and so did I and we’d go to her apartment and have dinner or she’d come to ours and we’d get drunk and play cards.

There were a few times that her pimp would come around and beat her up but I’d call the cops on him and then check on her after. We were pretty close. One night when we were over, we got so drunk, that my girlfriend and I ended up having sex and passing out in Gail’s spare room instead of going downstairs to our apartment.

After a while, I noticed a weird smell in the back of the apartment but it would go away and then there’d be a strong bleach smell. Then I noticed that something was leaching out of the wall in the bedroom. I tasted it and it was kind of weird, but then I decided that it was some kind of nasty water with chlorine in it and didn’t think too much about it again. My apartment was in the basement and I guess I figured that the wall just had condensation on it.

Around this time Gail stopped being so social but I could hear her up there moving around and just figured that she was sick of us.

On the fourth of July, my girlfriend and I got into a fight about who would wash the dishes, and I was pretty mad and being a 19-year-old jerk I started chucking the plates out into the road. There was a lot, and they all broke but I was really lucky because the street sweeper came by that night I guess to sweep up firework debris and cleaned everything up so when I woke up I realized I didn’t have to.

A few days later the cops came and arrested Gail for murder. I didn’t believe it at first. She was down on her luck, but she was just so nice.

Photo by Haus of Zeros on Unsplash

Apparently her pimp had come over and tried to beat her up among other things and she ended up hitting him in the head with a hammer. She wrapped him up in a shower curtain and put him in her spare bedroom closet that was right over our bedroom.

As he started to decompose she just threw gallons of bleach on him to try and take care of the smell. But it was the middle of the summer, the AC in the house didn’t really work, and he was leaking.

On the fourth of July, she decided to pull him out of the house in the middle of the night because the smell was too much, and try to dump him in a small creek across the road in a little wooded area.

Photo by Bill Aboudi on Unsplash

As she tried to pull him across the road, the broken dishes I’d flung in the street started to rip the shower curtain leaving behind a trail of gore. But luckily for her, the street sweeper came by and literally swept up the gore before she was done dumping the body.

When I followed along in the news, I realized that the night my girlfriend and I had slept in the bedroom was after the pimp had gone missing. There was a dead body in the closet when we had sex up there.

The final unbelievable part of this story is that the coroner had found that the cause of death was not the hammer blow to the head. The pimp was still alive when Gail wrapped him up but she had no idea and he had probably suffocated slowly over a matter of time.

Meaning, when I was in the bedroom, he may or may not have still been alive. Since he’d been accidentally suffocated, Gail ended up with a manslaughter conviction and only a very short time in jail.

Photo by Matthew Ansley on Unsplash

