Nightmare 911 Dispatcher Was Always a Nightmare

Tiffany Shera
Anonymous Confessions
2 min readSep 7, 2019

Anonymous Confessions

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Photo by Changbok Ko on Unsplash

Submitted 9/6/2019 by anonymous.

A few years ago I had a training class for my job as a 911 dispatcher.

This is the really big, important class that is done through the state licensing agency and is really talked up. I remember the class really well because the catering was actually pretty decent and the person who was supposed to teach us ended up canceling and we had a different person from another agency fill in instead.

She was possibly the rudest, snidest person and in addition to really not liking her, I was embarrassed for her. She asked questions to the class and would single people out so everyone was afraid to answer.

I remember one person answering correctly, the teacher mishearing (I’m assuming) and she just made fun of this woman in front of the entire class and then repeated the exact answer that the woman had just given, as the correct answer. It was awful and I remember being upset that this woman was taking 911 calls.

The thing that really makes this screwed up is there were at least six other instructors in relatively high positions in the room while this was going on and none of them stopped her at any point or to my knowledge pulled her aside after to correct her. It was a two-day training and she was still acting like an ass the next day.

So I really wasn’t surprised when I saw her in the news two weeks ago telling a drowning woman to “shut up” and “this will teach you not to drive in the water”.

She should have been removed from her position for what she did that week. I can’t imagine what else she’s done.

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