Day 1: List three things you are grateful for and why

Another 30 days of writing
2 min readDec 5, 2021
  1. Apartment: my apartment is truly my space. I love my friends but I often find myself never wanting to leave my house. Even sleeping over at a friend’s place can be a struggle sometimes. I have the most clarity in my apartment, I concentrate better here, I pray better here, I am my most authentic self in my own company surrounded by the things that make me happy. Looking forward to meeting someone that makes me feel this way about them
  2. My love for clothes: From a young age I’ve loved clothes and playing with them. My older siblings weren’t around much while I was growing up because they were in a boarding school, so I looked to myself for entertainment. Something I always did was go into my mum’s room on the weekends before she left for one of her numerous owambe and scoot for wigs, clothes, jewelry, anything I thought would look good on me, to play with when she left. I like to think I get my love from clothes from my mom. Believe me when I say she looked good every day. Nobody from her work could touch her when it came to dressing. I wish I knew what I know now, would have documented her looks, life’s worries has a way of draining your enthusiasm a bit. Clothes are such a stress-reliever for me. I spend an ungodly amount of time thinking of clothes, looking at clothes, thinking up an outfit, discovering new clothing stores that work with my taste. I still play with clothes and jewelry and wigs, I just document it more now.
  3. Dishwasher: I’ve lived in America for about 8 years and I had never once used a dishwasher. Until maybe 3 weeks ago I have become accustomed to many comforts; a microwave, washing machine, vacuum, heck electricity but somehow using a dishwasher just felt like sacrilege for no apparent reason. I guess I just felt like dishwashers don’t do the job as well I would. Or the fact that it has always been used as a storage system rather than a piece of equipment in every Nigerian home I’ve been to. Somehow, I just felt like it wasn’t necessary. But since I started my job and I have less time or zeal to spend any time in the kitchen, I decided that it is not necessary for me to suffer when I honestly don’t have to. Now I only use my dishwasher. I simply refuse to soap sponge again, plus I love the smell of my kitchen when the dishwasher is done running. Also, who doesn’t like warm dishes?



Another 30 days of writing

Working on being more intentional about my hobbies, which includes writing, so I’ll be documenting what I am able to come up with from time to time. Enjoy!