Day 2: Write about the things or activities that make you happy?

Another 30 days of writing
Dec 5, 2021
  1. Dressing up
  2. Payday
  3. Finding something great to watch on Netflix
  4. “Are you free?” texts from my friends
  5. People telling me they love my Instagram page
  6. Walks
  7. New music from Olafur
  8. Monday calls with Momo
  9. Finishing out a development task at work
  10. People watching
  11. Couples being affectionate in the most mundane ways I.e. back rubs, adjusting hair/clothes,
  12. Smell of coffee
  13. The shrill of a violin
  14. Fridays
  15. Solo movie dates
  16. Mass
  17. Plantain
  18. Libraries
  19. Cafes
  20. Beaches
  21. Disturbing Ihuoma

In no particular order



Another 30 days of writing

Working on being more intentional about my hobbies, which includes writing, so I’ll be documenting what I am able to come up with from time to time. Enjoy!