AnyPoint Code Builder Cloud IDE

Vandana K V
Another Integration Blog
7 min readAug 5, 2024

Anypoint Code Builder(ACB) is a light weight application built on Microsoft Visual Code which is easy to install and is future replacement for Anypoint Studio

In this blog, we shall go through launching Anypoint Cloud IDE and get started with it. Also, try to write a small RAML and publish the same to Exchange through ACB.

If you are new to ACB, refer to my article — Getting started with AnyPoint Code Builder(ACB).

Steps to Launch ACB Cloud IDE

Step 1: Login to your AnyPoint Platform Account

Once you login to Anypoint Platform, click on the burger menu towards your left and select Code Builder.

Step 2: Launch ACB Cloud IDE

Click on Launch button as shown in the image below. If you are launching the IDE for the very first time, it takes around 5–10 mins to spin up the UI for us.

The Home Page of the ACB Cloud IDE is as shown below:

The 3 actions that can be performed using Cloud IDE are:

  • Designing an API : Build your API Specifications (like you write RAMLs on Anypoint Platform) and publish to Exchange.
  • Implementing an API : Import your API Specifications from Exchange, scaffold flows for your end-points and define the logic behind your Mule Applications.
  • Developing an Integration : Create an Integration by adding dependencies and connectors to your flows and uing Dataweave to transform data.

Step 3 : Logging into your Anypoint Platform Account

Before we start building our API, it’s always good to have logged in to your Anypoint Platform Account.

Click on Not logged in to Anypoint Platform at the bottom of the page.

A pop-up appears, click on Allow.

Another pop-up appears asking if you want the code-server to open an external website. Please click on Open.

You will be redirected to Anypoint Platform

And finally you will be able to see this page. Close this tab

Now, going back to the ACB Cloud IDE Tab, you can see your username being displayed at the bottom of the page.

Finally, turn on the Cloud Sync by selecting the Profile Icon towards the bottom left of the screen. Click on Turn On Cloud Changes.

Now, you are all set to design an API using you ACB Cloud IDE

Designing an API

Click on Design an API

This opens a new tab on the IDE, similar to the one we see while creating a specification from the Anypoint Platform Design Center.

Provide the project name and select the API Specification Language you want to write the specification.

Here, I am giving my project name : my-first-acb & selecting RAML 1.0 as the API Specification Language.

Now, click one Create Project.

Check the tick box and click on Yes, I trust the authors

Note: This is a one time activity and since we have checked the box Trust the authors of all files in the parent folder vandana_wwm

Now, start building the RAML as we do it on Anypoint Platform Design Center. Here, I’m using the simple American Flights API example provided in the MuleSoft Documentation Tutorial.

Click on API Console Icon, to view the resources in nested format.

The API Console is again similar to Design Center where we can mock the resources to test them.

Adding Fragments from Exchange to the specification

Now, since we are using the American Flights API example from tutorial, we have the existing API Fragments for the Datatype and examples in the exchange which can be imported.

Now, let us add the following fragments to our specification.

  • Training: American Flight Data Type fragment for an object that corresponds to the definition of a flight
  • Training: American Flights Example fragment for data that the API returns

To add the fragments:

  1. Go to the command palette

2. Once you type >MuleSoft: , it displays all the commands related to MuleSoft in the palette. From that select the command

MuleSoft: Add fragment dependency from Exchange

3. In the Search Asset pop-up that appears, search for the below fragment — Training: American Flight Data Type

Select on the assset displayed and your fragment is added to your specification.

You can see this pop up at the bottom left of the screen

Also, you can see the same added under Project Dependencies in the Explorer Panel

Now, repeat the above steps to add Training: American Flights Example

Update your RAML, to include your datatypes and examples

Publish the API Specification to Exchange

Now that we have built our API Specification, it’s time to publish it as an Asset to Exchange.

Make sure you are still logged in to Anypoint Platform account via ACB before you perform this step.

  1. Open the Command Pannel & provide the command

MuleSoft: Publish API Specification to Exchange

2. Select the Business Group to which you want to publish your asset. Here I’m selecting Valtech.

3. Provide the Project Name. I am providing the name as “my-first-acb”

4. Confirm the Artifact ID. I am providing the same name as “my-first-acb”

5. Confirm the Asset Version. Here it is 1.0.0

6. Confirm the API Version. Here it is v1

The status bar below shows the progress of Publishing the asset to Anypoint Exchange

When prompted to implement the API now, select No to avoid scaffolding the American Flights API specification into your integration.

Now, let us try to locate this API on Anypoint Exchange.

Navigate to Anypoint Platform and go to Anypoint Exchange. The asset published is now visible on Anypoint Exchange

Now, we have learnt how to Design an API and Publish to Exchange using ACB. In my next blogs we will go through ACB in depth and try some Implementations!

