Deep Dive into Mulesoft IDP


Introduction to MuleSoft IDP

Fed up with sifting through documents for data? Let’s make it easier with MuleSoft IDP

●MuleSoft IDP reads and extracts content from invoices, purchase orders, and other unstructured or semi-structured documents.

●Utilizing advanced AI, it automates document processing from PDFs and images.

●The user-friendly IDP interface allows us to create and publish document actions as APIs for seamless integration with Mule applications, RPA and other systems, without needing external services.

Some Basic Terms in IDP


●Prompts are input sentences or queries provided by users to interact with language models. They request specific information, generate content, or engage in conversation.

●Prompts typically seek a precise response, task, or generation.

Examples of Prompts:

1.Translate to French “Hello, how are you?”

2.Explain the process of photosynthesis

Non-Prompts (statements or general queries) :

1.Describe the characteristics of a Black hole.

2. Hi, my name is Josh.

Queries :

●Queries are questions in natural language used to extract specific data from documents.

●They are used to retrieve precise information like subtotal amounts, due dates, or highest prices.

●For eg. “What is the subtotal amount?”or “When is the due date?”

Analyzers :

●Analyzers are requests in natural language that allow for deeper examination of documents using AI capabilities.

●They include tasks such as summarizing documents, itemizing purchased elements, identifying document types, or translating documents.

For eg. “What is the type of this document?” or “Translate this document to Spanish”

Architecture of IDP

WHY MuleSoft IDP?

Cost Effective :

●Reduces manual data entry and processing costs.

●Makes data more manageable and easier to utilize in projects compared to other solutions.

Powered by Salesforce Einstein :

●Leverages AI and machine learning for intelligent, accurate data processing, and uses prompts to fetch relevant data in documents.

Accessible via REST APIs :

●Easy integration with a wide range of existing systems and applications.

Flexible and Scalable :

●Adapts to various document types and formats like PDFs and images of purchase order invoices and generic documents, handling large volumes efficiently.

Recommended as a Large-Scale Solution :

●IDP is the most recommended solution as a large-scale solution, offering affordability and effective data retrieval using prompts.

Features Of Mulesoft IDP

Document Actions: Multi-step process that use AI engines to generate structured JSON responses, defining input types, extracting/filtering fields, and setting confidence thresholds, while configuring prompts for enhanced extraction using natural language.

Confidence Scores: Evaluate extraction accuracy with metrics such as 100% indicating total accuracy and 75% suggesting a 25% chance of inaccuracy, triggering human review for low scores.

Human Review: Assign reviewers to verify documents based on low confidence scores, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of extracted data.

Customization: Create and publish IDP actions to define document schemas for specific processing needs.

Templates: Utilize predefined templates designed for invoices and purchase orders to streamline document processing.

Reviews: Queue documents for review if confidence levels are low or essential fields are missing, ensuring thorough validation.

Verification: Update document status to SUCCEEDED upon successful validation, confirming accuracy and completion.

IDP API: Trigger and query document actions seamlessly using the IDP API, enabling efficient integration and automation.

Creating Document Actions in MuleSoft IDP

Overview of Document Actions:

AI-Driven Processing: Use AI engines for multi-step document processing to generate structured JSON responses.

Customization: Define document types, extract and filter fields, and set confidence thresholds.

Natural Language Prompts: Utilize natural language prompts for refining data extraction

●Ensure necessary Anypoint permissions (Document Action Permissions) are in place

Manage Actions: Complete access and default reviewer assignment.

Build Actions: Ability to create, edit, and publish document actions

Upload and Preview:

●Go to Document Actions and create a new action.

●Upload up to 10 files (maximum 8 MB each) for initial analysis.

●Preview results with confidence score indicators.

Schema Configuration:

●Configure the schema by hiding or marking fields as required in the JSON response.

Set minimum confidence score thresholds for accurate extraction and customize visibility and validation settings for precise data handling

Publishing Document Actions

Finalizing Document Actions

○Save settings to complete document action setup.

○Add reviewers and publish to Anypoint Exchange for integration with systems.

Document Action Versioning

○Maintain integration compatibility with semantic versioning.

○Increment minor versions (e.g., from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0) when republishing.

Publish a Document Action

○Steps to Publish

●Open or create document action in edit mode.

●Click “Publish,” verify asset details, and confirm publication.

Asset will be published to Anypoint Exchange as an API for external system integration and await confirmation message before closing.

Automating Document Processing with IDP API

●IDP API can be used to streamline automation of data extraction and integrate document actions seamlessly with Mule applications and other systems.

●Create a connected app with client credentials and required scopes to interact with the IDP API and obtain an access token.

Executing and Monitoring Document Actions

●Post documents to IDP via API and retrieve an execution ID in response and we can use this ID to query the execution status.


●Query the execution status using the execution ID until the document processing status is “SUCCEEDED”. Retrieve processed data upon successful completion.

Demo — Overview

MuleSoft IDP — Configure Document Automations

❖Unified with Anypoint login

❖Create and save new document actions from pre-built templates

❖Configure doc actions — add/remove fields, adjust confidence thresholds, mark required

❖Add members or teams for human review

❖Publish to Anypoint Exchange, RPA

❖Test configuration with multiple docs

❖Version your document action configurations

2. MuleSoftIDP — Build end-to-end Document Automations

❖Invoke document actions using REST connector in Anypoint

❖Use IDP Action steps in RPA to add document processing in RPA builder

❖Use callback actions for receive state changes from IDP service

3. MuleSoft IDP — Review Document Executions

❖ Manage reviewer ro+les in AnypoAinut tomate with

❖ Task queues for human augmentatAionnypoint

❖ Update or fix issues found by IDP

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