Jennifer Cole Shines at World Tour New York!

Isabella Navarro
Another Integration Blog
3 min readMay 11, 2023
Jen & Sarah Franklin during the WTNY keynote

Salesforce World Tour New York was one for the books this year! Not only was it the biggest World Tour to date, but we also took MuleSoft to the big screen as Ambassador, and #AwesomeAdmin, Jennifer Cole, was awarded a Golden Hoodie! In case you missed this monumental moment, you can still watch Jen’s story shine during the keynote on demand.

To celebrate her accomplishments and show our deep appreciation for all she does for the Community and beyond, we’ve put together a short and sweet tribute video highlighting how Jen adds her golden touch to the MuleSoft Community. See what fellow Muleys had to say about Jen below:

Adventurous — “adventurous to learn a new product, adventurous to teach others about the newproduct, and adventurous enough to be on stage at Dreamforce”

Dedicated — “over the past two years Jen has put so much time, effort, and dedication into her work as one of our first and best MuleSoft Automation Advocates in the MuleSoft Community.”

Trailblazer — “she was one of our early adopters of Composer and is an absolute LEGEND on the product team.”

Passionate — “you can see that passion shine through when she shares what these tools [MuleSoft Composer + Flow] can do with others in the ecosystem”

Kind — “she is such a kind and supportive leader in our Community, she’s always there to help others”

Driven — “from the start Jen saw the potential to transform 908 Devices with this new technology, and then saw it through from potential to amazing, measurable success”

Generous — “Jen is the most fantastically generous and lovable person….[she] is so easy to talk to and is so fast to offer up [her] time, knowledge, and laughter”

Paving the way for others

Jen is constantly inspired by the opportunity to fill the shoes of the Trailblazers that “helped the Jen from 12 years ago”, the Jen who was starting with Salesforce and “didn’t know up from down.” She is driven by the hope that her efforts will contribute to the success of others who may just be starting out or need encouragement. Therefore, there is no end to the list of how Jen gives back. Whether it’s sharing her work with other Trailblazers via Salesforce events, authoring multiple blogs, or creating content for the many Community outlets, Jen has done it with a sense of joy and energy that is truly infectious to those of us who are lucky enough to watch her shine.

In addition to bringing ingenuity, brilliance, and humor to all that she does in the broader Salesforce and MuleSoft communities, Jen repeatedly goes above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to sharing her passion for learning — answering questions from other Trailblazers or continuously encouraging, mentoring, and cheering on others as a MuleSoft Ambassador. She challenges all learners to get out there and ask their seemingly “messy” questions because the Community is a beautiful and encouraging space where incredible things can happen. You can join and catch Jen in action helping others skill up with automation here.

Jen Cole on screen skilling up with Trailhead
Jen skilling up with Trailhead

Congrats again, Jen!

Jen, you are one kind force to be reckoned with and we are so excited to continue to watch you shine! Thank you for being a pillar to lean on and learn from within the Community.

For those of you who are looking to follow in Jen’s footsteps and encourage the next set of new users, consider applying to become a MuleSoft Mentor. Here you can put your skills to the test by inspiring, encouraging, and educating those within and outside of the MuleSoft Community!

Golden Hoodie Recipients Unite at World Tour New York

