Loops in Mulesoft

Kseniia Tarantsova
Another Integration Blog
7 min readJan 3, 2024

Loops are a fundamental concept in programming that allow you to repeatedly execute a block of code. They are used to automate repetitive tasks and iterate over a sequence of elements. While various programming languages have different types of loops, this article focuses on exploring MuleSoft’s options specifically designed to handle scenarios where a particular operation needs to be executed iteratively over a collection of items.

MuleSoft offers a set of at least five components, each designed to address specific conditions encountered during the processing of a collection of items. This variety empowers you to choose the most suitable option for your specific case:

  1. For Each
  2. Parallel For Each
  3. DataWeave
  4. Batch
  5. Recursive Flow (Do-While)

Such adaptability ensures that you can customize your strategy based on the distinct conditions and needs of your integration processes.

Now, let’s take a closer look at each of these components!

For Each

Mulesoft For each scope is a construct that allows you to sequentially process the collection of records and perform different actions for each item in the collection. It could be simple transformation, database operation, sending item to an external web services etc.

Key Configurations in the For Each scope:

  1. Collection: The core functionality of the For Each scope lies in its ability to define the collection of items for sequential processing. While the default value is set to the payload, this attribute can also be a variable.
  2. Counter Variable Name: Including a counter variable is crucial for overseeing the current iteration, especially for conditional logic or for logging purposes.
  3. Batch Size: The For Each scope offers the flexibility to configure a batch size, facilitating the grouping of items into batches for more efficient processing. This feature is particularly advantageous when dealing with large datasets.
  4. Root Message Variable Name: This variable plays a unique role by ensuring continual access to the data throughout the iteration, thereby enhancing control within the For Each scope.
For Each configuration

Considerations when utilizing For Each:

✅ If there is a failure in processing any item, the For Each scope will stops processing, and subsequent items will not be handled.

✅ The payload after the For Each retains its original value; therefore, if you need to capture the result of processing or transformation, establish a variable before the For Each scope to accumulate the outcomes throughout the processing. Variables and their values are available outside For Each.

Practical Scenarios:

  1. Sequential Processing of Item Arrays: Illustrative scenarios for the For Each scope include the sequential processing of arrays, such as importing email attachments, managing order items, or overseeing delivery logistics. In these instances, the scope enables efficient, step-by-step handling of each item within the array, ensuring tailored actions and transformations.
  2. Graceful Halting on Failure: For scenarios demanding an immediate halt on encountering failure, the For Each scope is indispensable. Examples include processing order payments or managing document workflows, where any failure triggers an immediate cessation to prevent further processing.
  3. Optimal for Smaller Item Arrays: The For Each scope excels in situations where the array contains a limited number of items. Its efficiency is particularly noticeable when dealing with smaller datasets, ensuring precise and streamlined processing.

Parallel For Each

The Parallel For Each, as implied by its name, enables the concurrent processing of a collection of records.

Key Configurations in the Parallel For Each scope:

  1. Collection: Specifies the collection of items intended for simultaneous processing.
  2. Timeout: Specifies the timeout in milliseconds for each parallel route, governing the maximum duration of parallel processing.
  3. Max concurrency: Empowers control over the number of threads participating in parallel processing, optimizing resource utilization.
  4. Target: Enables the presentation of the output from the parallel For Each as a variable with a designated target name. The default setting is empty
  5. Target value: Allows for the customization of the output value, offering flexibility and precision in shaping the results of parallel processing.

Considerations when utilizing Parallel For Each:

✅ Every record in the collection undergoes processing. Even in the presence of failures, the flow continues, invoking the Error Handler at the processing conclusion with the MULE:COMPOSITE_ROUTING error. Retrieve successfully processed records and failures using expressions like error.errorMessage.payload.results and error.errorMessage.payload.failures, respectively.

✅ Utilizing a try-catch mechanism within the Parallel For Each allows comprehensive error handling, ensuring effective management of any encountered errors during processing.

✅ Changes to variables inside the Parallel For Each are confined to its scope and are not accessible outside of it. Ensure that variable modifications are appropriately managed within the parallel processing context.

✅ The output is an array, representing an aggregated result of the processed records. This array encapsulates the collective outcomes achieved through parallel processing.

Practical Scenarios:

  1. Parallel Processing Applicability: In practical terms, consider scenarios where parallel processing is advantageous and records operate independently. Examples include product management and the processing of items sourced from an SFTP folder.
  2. Aggregated Result Requirements: Parallel processing becomes essential when there is a need for an aggregated result post-processing, consolidating outcomes from independent record operations.


Dataweave is a scripting language designed by Mulesoft to streamline data transformation tasks, including the ability to iterate over collections of records. This functionality is achieved through the map function within DataWeave. This function traverses the elements in an array, facilitating the transformation of data encapsulated within that array by utilizing lambda expression.

For those familiar with Java 8’s functional programming approach, an analogy can be drawn with the map() method found in the Stream class.

Key elements of the map function:

  • value: Represents the current element’s value during processing.
  • index: Indicates the index of the current element within the array.

Practical Scenarios:

  1. Data Transformation: In practical scenarios, when preparing to migrate an array of records or store them in a provider’s system, the common need for transformation arises. This includes filtering, selective mapping, and aggregating data. Additionally, it involves the process of shaping the array elements to conform to the specific format accepted by the target system.
  2. Standardize data: Standardization is valuable when integrating with systems that require specific data formatting conventions.


Batch processing has earned its reputation as an expert in efficiently handling large item loops. It provides the opportunity to manipulate extensive collections without encountering memory or consumption errors.

Key components of the Mulesoft Batch scope:

  1. Batch Job: primary component, responsible for partitioning the payload into chunks and storing them in a persistent queue.
  2. Batch Step: allows the segmentation of processing logic into distinct blocks. This modularization enhances code organization, simplifying the management of complex workflows and promoting a more streamlined development process.
  3. Batch Aggregator: following the batch step processing, consolidates the results.

Considerations when utilizing Batch scope:

✅ Batch processing operates asynchronously.

✅ In the event that the application is redeployed or Mule crashes, the job execution is able to resume at the point it stopped.

Practical Scenarios:

  1. Synchronizing Data Sets Between Applications: Utilize batch processing to synchronize data sets between different business applications, ensuring consistency and coherence in data across the enterprise.
  2. Large Data Ingestion from API to Legacy System: Implement batch processing to efficiently handle large volumes of incoming data from an API, facilitating seamless integration with legacy systems.
  3. Multi-Step Operations: Leverage batch processing for scenarios involving multi-step operations, where each step contributes to the overall processing outcome. This structured approach enhances the efficiency and organization of complex data processing workflows.

Recursive Flow (Do-While)

Although MuleSoft lacks a native do-while loop, it can be emulated through the utilization of a recursive flow. In this context, a recursive flow, which calls itself during execution, empowers the flow to iterate multiple times, delivering an output at the end.

Considerations when utilizing Batch scope:

✅ Recursive flows may consume significant memory, particularly in scenarios with deep recursion. Monitor memory usage for optimal performance.

✅ Evaluate the performance impact of recursive flows, especially in scenarios involving large datasets. Optimize the flow to minimize processing overhead.

✅ Clearly define exit conditions within the recursive flow to prevent infinite loops. Ensure mechanisms are in place for breaking out of recursion when necessary.

Practical Scenarios:

  1. Pagination: Implement recursive flows for calling downstream APIs or systems to retrieve payload from multiple pages, facilitating efficient pagination strategies.
  2. Hierarchical Data Processing: Utilize recursive flows to efficiently handle hierarchical data structures, where elements contain nested sub-elements. This is particularly beneficial for scenarios like processing organizational hierarchies or nested categories.
  3. Data Transformation with Unknown Depth: Apply recursive flows when transforming data of unknown depth or variable nesting levels. This proves valuable in scenarios with dynamic and unpredictable data structures, enhancing flexibility in data transformation processes.


MuleSoft’s diverse set of looping options provides developers with the flexibility to customize their API solutions according to the distinct requirements of their projects. Whether managing substantial datasets, navigating data hierarchies, or orchestrating dynamic workflows, MuleSoft’s loop options deliver the adaptability essential for proficient API development. The choice of loop depends on the specific requirements of the task at hand, demonstrating MuleSoft’s commitment to providing developers with the tools they need for successful and efficient integration projects.

The only task left for developers is to choose the one that suits their needs and embark on a path to success!



Kseniia Tarantsova
Another Integration Blog

Passionate about MuleSoft and API development, I share insights and tutorials to help developers integrate, automate, and innovate.