✒ Maven Mayhem: Mule 4 with Maven

Simran Modi
Another Integration Blog
6 min readAug 7, 2024


For MuleSoft’s Mule 4 developers, Apache Maven is an indispensable tool.

This guide covers Maven’s basics, its integration with Mule4, and its impact on thedevelopment lifecycle.

Before we proceed with the blog, “Super POM! “ Does it ring a bell⁇

By the end of this guide, one shall be well-versed in how to leverage Maven to enhance your Mule4 projects.

What is Maven ⁇

Maven is an open-source automation and project management tool primarily used for Java Projects.

Based on the Project Object Model (POM), this tool has made developers’ lives easier when developing reports, checking builds, and testing automation setups.

At the core of Maven is the POM, an XML file that contains information about the project and configuration details used by Maven to build it.

Key Features of Maven:

A. Project Object Model (POM):

POM, which stands for Project object model, is the core project unit containing information. The pom.xml file in a Mule 4 project is the primary configuration file for building and managing the project.

The structure of pom.xml consists of project coordinates, packaging, properties, dependencies, repositories, build plugins, and profiles.

✓ Explanation of Key Elements:

  1. Project coordinates: groupId, artifactId, version (GAV) Uniquely identify the project.
  2. Packaging: Specifies the type of artifacts produced (Mule application).
  3. Dependencies: Lists necessary libraries and frameworks.
  4. Repositories: Defines location from where Maven should download dependencies.
  5. Build: Configures build process, particularly the plugins required.

It supports inheritance between POM files, allowing reusable configurations across multiple projects.

The Most Important file in the Maven Structure, “Super POM,” goes almost unnoticed, as if lurking in the shadows. The ULTIMATE PARENT POM in the Maven family provides default configurations for all Maven projects. It is always implicitly inherited and not directly edited.

B. Dependency Management:

Dependency management in Maven for a Mule4 project includes handling various modules on which a project depends.

✓ Key Components of Dependency Management:

i. Dependencies: Defined within the <dependencies> section of the pom.xml specifies libraries and modules a project needs.

ii. Transitive Dependencies: These are dependencies that get included in a project because the original project dependencies are dependent on them. Maven automatically manages these transitive dependencies.

iii. Dependency Scope: defines classpath visibility of dependencies standard scopes that include compile, provided, runtime, and test.

iv. Dependency Version Management: ensures version consistency across projects, managed via <dependencyManagement> to centralized version control.

Dependency Version Management ensures that all required dependencies get included and accurately configured so that a Mule project can run successfully.

C. Convention over Configuration:

Convention over configuration is a design principle that reduces the number of decisions developers need to make by establishing sensible defaults for configurations and conventions.

Encourages a standard project directory structure, minimizing the need for extensive configuration.

It provides sensible default configurations that get tweaked on a need basis for a project.

D. Repository Management:

Repository management in Maven is a key feature that facilitates storing, retrieving, and managing project artifacts and dependencies.

✓ Types of Repositories:

i. Local repository

ii. Remote Repository: is of types Central Repository, Third-Party Repository, Custom Repository

iii. Enterprise/Corporate Repositories

E. Multi-module Project Support:

Multi-module Project Support manages dependencies between different project modules, allowing efficient management of complex projects with interdependent modules.

F. Build Automation:

Automating builds ensures a consistent build process across different environments and projects; Maven follows the following lifecycle phases.

'validate', 'compile', 'test', 'package', 'verify', 'install', 'deploy'.

G. Plugin-based Architecture:

Custom Plugin allows developers to create plugins to extend Maven’s functionality. Plugins can perform tasks like compiling code, running tests, packaging applications, and more.

Setting up Maven for Mule4:


■ Java development kit

■ Apache Maven installed, and the path added to system variables

■ Download and install Mule 4 runtime.

Maven enforces a standard directory structure as follows:

Understanding the POM File:

POM is the heart of the Maven project. It contains information about the project and configuration details Maven uses to build it.

Basic Structure of POM File

Maven Coordinates:

Maven coordinates are values uniquely identifying a project, dependency, or plugin in the Maven repository.

These coordinates can locate and manage the correct versions of modules.

✓ The primary components of Maven Coordinates are :

■ grouped :

Definition: the groupId is a unique identifier that defines the group/ organization to which it belongs.

Purpose: Acts as a namespace, allowing logical grouping of projects.

Convention: this typically follows reverse domain name notation.

Example: 'org.apache.maven.plugins'

■ artifactId :

Definition: The artifact generally is a short, descriptive project name.

Purpose: identify a specific library/ project within the group.

Convention: it should be concise and meaningful.

Example: 'my-mule-app'

■ version:

Definition: It defines the project version or dependency. It helps in managing different project releases/updates.

Purpose: defines the exact version of the project/ dependency.

Types: there are two types of versions: Release Versions, which are stable, and Snapshot Versions, which are in-development versions that can change over time.

Example: '1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'

Dependency Management:

Maven’s dependency management forms the crux of its significant capabilities.

It includes downloading and including the libraries on which the project depends.

Adding dependencies:

Common dependencies include Mule runtime libraries and connectors for mule applications.

Scope of Dependencies:

  • Compile: Default scope, available in all classpaths.
  • Provided: Similar to compile, but not included in the final package.
  • Runtime: This is not needed for compilation but isrequired for execution.
  • Test: Only available in the test classpath.

Build Lifecycle and Phases :

The Maven build lifecycle consists of phases as below:

  • Validate: Validates the project is correct and necessary information is available.
  • Compile compiles source code.
  • Test: runs the unit tests.
  • Package: packages the compiled code into a distributable format.
  • Verify: run checks to verify that the package is valid.
  • Install: installs the package into the local repository.
  • Deploy copies of the package to a remote repository for sharing with other developers.

Plugins and Goals:

Plugins extend Maven’s functionality.
They consist of goals that specify the task during the build phase.

✓ Common Mule Maven Plugin Goals:

  • Package: packages Mule application.
  • Deploy: deploys Mule application to a runtime.
  • Run: runs Mule application locally.

Best Practices

Consistent Naming Conventions:

Adopt a consistent naming convention for GAV (groupId, artifactId, version).

  1. Dependency Management
  • Centralized Dependencies: Use a parent POM to centralize the dependency version.
  • Scope Management: Use appropriate scope for dependencies to reduce conflicts.

2. Version Control

  • Version Ranges: Avoid using version ranges to ensure reproducibility.
  • Semantic Versioning: use semantic versioning for consistent version management.

3. Build Optimization:

  • Incremental Builds: Use incremental builds to increase the build process.
  • Parallel Builds: Enable parallel builds to utilize multiple CPU cores.


Maven, a developer’s partner in crime, simplifies the management of Mule 4 projects. It provides a structured approach for building, testing, and deploying applications easily by leveraging Maven’s robust features like POM, dependency management, build lifecycle phases, and plugin-based architecture.

Setting up Maven correctly and understanding its core concepts allow a developer to achieve automated and consistent builds, easier management of project dependencies, and seamless integration with continuous integration tools.

This guide illuminates all to leverage Maven’s fullest potential, ensuring Mule 4 applications are built, tested, and deployed efficiently and effectively.

Embrace Maven to revolutionize your development process and confidently deliver high-quality Mule applications.

