MuleSoft Catalyst — The path ahead

Alan Dalley
Another Integration Blog
3 min readAug 5, 2023
A Black and Gey abstract picture representing the Catalyst

In my articles on the MuleSoft Catalyst Methodology we have so far focussed on the Centre for Enablement playbook which has been the focus of my work life, in one way or another, for the last four years. I have learned a lot and backed up some of it with the MuleSoft Certifications that I am proud to have achieved. The intention of my articles has been to impart some of the knowledge and experience that I have gained to others starting this journey and I have focused on what I would have liked to have known at the start of our MuleSoft implementation. I hope I have achieved that in some way or another. But it’s now time to think about where I can diversify from here and broaden the view to encompass the other five playbooks. Let’s look at where we have got to so far.

In my role as a Centre for Enablement lead it was right, in my view, that I leapt straight into the Centre for Enablement playbook which sits under the Organisation Enablement theme. So far in this series of articles I have covered the first two phases of the playbook, Plan for Success and Establish the Foundation. I have covered all of the activities within each phase and you should now have the basis on which to look at what the Centre for Enablement should look like in your organisation, because each one will be different, what capabilities you need to acquire or develop in your organisation, what the technology stack will look like and have a vision for the next few years and a good idea of the training required for the Centre for Enablement staff and the wider community.

I have talked at some length about establishing the foundational assets that will be required to prove the success of the implementation, promote standards and guidelines and, this is very important, drive the reuse of common artifacts, API’s and fragments across the organisation. I have also covered many other aspects which you can refer back to on ‘Another Integration Blog’ or

Where do we go from here?

In the Centre for Enablement playbook I still have the remaining two phases to address, Build to Scale and Measure Impact. It is worth saying at this point that all of the six playbooks cover the same four phases, Plan for Success, Establish the Foundation Build to Scale and Measure Impact so when we come to the other playbooks the articles will follow the same categories within each playbook. And that leads me nicely into what comes next.

Well, I suppose by now I have given it away that the articles will be continuing and I will be covering the remainder of the Centre for Enablement playbook but it’s also time, I think, to look at the Business Outcomes playbook and see where the Centre for Enablement can support the aims and stages of the Business Outcomes playbook but this time in maybe a different format.

If you look on YouTube you will be able to find many different resources that cover the technical aspects of not only the MuleSoft AnyPoint Platform but the range of products that are available from MuleSoft and Salesforce. I personally have used many of these resources alongside the excellent MuleSoft training course to allow me to pass my MuleSoft Certifications. However, it is noticeable that there are little visual resources that discuss the business elements of introducing a new Integration Architecture into an organisation and therefore I believe that there may be an opportunity to support the written word with some short and to the point presentations on the less technical elements of bringing MuleSoft into an organisation.

So, what are your thoughts? Is this something that I should start or would you prefer to keep with the written articles?

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Alan Dalley
Another Integration Blog

MuleSoft Ambassador. I have a lifetime of IT experience with a passion for API led Integration, Data, Data Quality and Agile ways of working.