MuleSoft: Iterators in Dataweave 2.0

Efficient Way of Handling Data

Praveen Sundar K. S.
Another Integration Blog
4 min readSep 25, 2024



In DataWeave 2.0, the Iterator is a key concept that allows for efficient data streaming and handling of large datasets in a memory-efficient way. An Iterator is a lazy-evaluated structure that is used to process data one item at a time, without loading the entire dataset into memory. This is especially useful when working with large datasets or streams of data in MuleSoft flows.

Iterators are designed to be consumed only once, so if you pass the value to a logger, it will no longer be readable to other elements in the flow.

Key Characteristics

Lazy Evaluation

  • Iterators evaluate data lazily, meaning the data is not processed or loaded into memory until it is explicitly needed. This contrasts with in-memory collections like lists or arrays, where all elements are loaded into memory at once.
  • This allows DataWeave to handle large or infinite datasets more efficiently by processing them one item at a time instead of storing the entire collection in memory.

Memory Efficiency

  • Because iterators don’t require loading the entire dataset into memory, they help in optimizing memory usage. This is crucial for transformations involving large files (e.g., huge CSVs or large JSON/XML payloads) or streams of data where the dataset can be processed sequentially.
  • Iterators are especially helpful when you don’t need to access the entire dataset at once, such as in streaming scenarios, batch processing, or when you are dealing with real-time data.

Streaming Support

  • In DataWeave, when working with streaming data sources (like reading from a file, HTTP request body, or a database), the data is often returned as an iterator. This is done to avoid loading the entire payload into memory and to allow DataWeave to process the data as it comes in.
  • Streaming iterators read data chunk by chunk and process it on the go, reducing memory consumption and allowing you to handle very large datasets without running into memory issues.

How Iterators Work

In DataWeave, Iterators are implicitly created when the data source is processed lazily, meaning the data will only be processed when required by subsequent operations. Operations like map, filter, or reduce work well with iterators because they process data one element at a time, making the transformation efficient even for large data sets.


Suppose we have a large JSON payload, but we want to process it in a memory-efficient way by reading only one record at a time.

%dw 2.0
output application/json
payload as Iterator map ((item) -> {


  • The map function creates an iterator internally that processes the payload one element at a time (you don’t have to specify explicitly as shown above).
  • The entire payload is not loaded into memory at once. Instead, DataWeave evaluates each item lazily as it applies the map transformation, which is memory-efficient.

Functions that work with Iterators

DataWeave provides several functions that can work with iterators. These include:

map: Transforms each element in the dataset lazily, applying the transformation to one element at a time.

%dw 2.0
output application/json
payload map ((item) ->

filter: Evaluates each element lazily to determine whether it should be included in the output.

%dw 2.0
output application/json
payload filter ((item) -> item.age > 18)

reduce: Aggregates the elements in the dataset, processing one element at a time, which is memory-efficient.

%dw 2.0
output application/json
payload reduce ((item, acc = 0) -> acc + item.amount)

pluck: Iterates over a map (key-value pair structure) and lazily transforms each key-value pair into a new collection.

%dw 2.0
output application/json
payload pluck ((value, key, index) -> { (key): value })

Use Cases

Streaming Data

Iterators are particularly useful when dealing with streaming data from external systems, such as files, databases, or HTTP responses. By using iterators, DataWeave can process the data in chunks, reducing memory overhead and improving performance. Example: Reading from a large file (e.g., CSV or JSON) and transforming it row by row without loading the entire file into memory.

Batch Processing

In batch processes where data is processed in segments (or batches), iterators are ideal for iterating over large collections of records. This ensures that memory is used efficiently, especially in long-running batch processes.

Handling Large Datasets

When working with large datasets, such as a large number of records from a database or API, iterators help in processing the data sequentially and avoiding out-of-memory errors by not holding the entire dataset in memory.


No Random Access

Since iterators process data lazily, you can’t access elements randomly (i.e., by index) without forcing the entire iterator to be evaluated first.

One-Time Use

Once you’ve consumed an iterator, you can’t rewind or reprocess it. If you need to process the data again, you’ll have to re-create the iterator or cache the data in memory.


In DataWeave 2.0, Iterators provide a powerful mechanism for handling large datasets and streams in a memory-efficient way. They allow you to process data lazily, reducing the memory footprint by avoiding loading the entire dataset into memory. This makes iterators particularly useful for large file processing, batch jobs, and streaming data scenarios.

However, iterators come with trade-offs in terms of random access and multiple passes over the data, so they are best suited for sequential processing. If you’re handling large volumes of data in your MuleSoft flows, leveraging iterators is an essential best practice to ensure efficient memory management.



Praveen Sundar K. S.
Another Integration Blog

A Technology Enthusiast having around 18+ years of experience with primary focus on Integration technologies such as MuleSoft, Boomi & Workato.