MuleSoft RPA!

Harshita PJ
Another Integration Blog
8 min readJul 12, 2022

(Robotic Process Automation)

Robotic process automation (RPA) is a software technology designed around automation and robotics. It involves using software technologies to create robots or ‘bots’ powerful enough to mimic employees’ digital actions. Unlike employees, RPA bots work around the clock and tend to be faster, more reliable, and more precise than employee desktop actions. MuleSoft RPA is best suited for repetitive and time-consuming tasks linked to human interactions with an interface, especially since digital processing functions benefit from RPA bots’ repetitiousness. RPA software bots provide a way for businesses to automate repetitive tasks.

MuleSoft created MuleSoft RPA by acquiring Servicetrace, a leading provider of RPA. It is considered a software technology best suited for customers interested in creating a unified platform for their repetitive business tasks or processes. The robotic repetitiousness of MuleSoft RPA bots makes this possible.

About MuleSoft RPA — How it Works

Like other RPA tools, MuleSoft RPA employs business logic and structured inputs when performing automated business processes. It brings together APIs, integration, and automation. It enables a business to perform transaction processing, data manipulation, trigger responses, and trigger communication with digital systems using applications. MuleSoft RPA bots replace repetitive task work for any system or application, ranging from spreadsheets and PDF documents to disconnected legacy systems.

Many scenarios apply to MuleSoft RPA bots, including simple tasks like generating automatic responses to emails and complicated tasks like task and process automation with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Other tasks include intelligently entering data and processing documents. With MuleSoft RPA, you can ensure that these tasks are performed with maximum reliability and precision.

Largely, businesses choose to automate repetitive and arduous business processes or tasks with RPA bots to allow humans to focus on more important tasks that require judgment, emotional intelligence, and reasoning that RPA bots lack. RPA bots speed up workflows for businesses by taking advantage of robotic repetitiousness.

Basic MuleSoft RPA Functions

Using algorithms designed to work at nearly any task in multiple contexts, MuleSoft RPA scraps the screens or the web for data that is further organized for future use. Automated data extraction, data entry, and processing make using RPA bots a practical approach to data-driven decision-making.

Programmable templates tailored to perform specific functions or click-based tasks can be used to allow users to deal with honed processes. Businesses can benefit from the MuleSoft RPA bot’s capability to perform specific actions using programmable templates without investing in developing the programs needed to run the bots.

MuleSoft RPA broadens the scale of automation. Scalable as well as reusable corporate functions can benefit from MuleSoft RPA bots that integrate artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), which is the essence of Hyper Automation (shown above). Large corporations can use AI and ML-enabled MuleSoft RPA bots to manage a broad spectrum of new processes by predicting and actuating new processes based on lessons from past actions.

A majority of large enterprises are expected to adhere to industry-specific rules and regulations, and it is imperative to note that industry-specific programming achieved using RPA allows compliance with these mandates. RPA can automate foundational work associated with internal processes like data generation and database queries to conform to industry-specific rules and regulations. Improving compliance is critical to preventing the costs that come with non-compliance.

Common MuleSoft RPA Use Cases

MuleSoft RPA is used across many industries to complete many tasks, especially tasks linked to repetitive business processes. Common use cases of RPA encompass tedious and manual tasks associated with business functions, roles, and business units in various industries, such as healthcare, insurance, and banking.

Industries already engaged with RPA treat it as an indispensable component of data management activities.

1. RPA in Healthcare

Healthcare is a rule-based industry by design, which makes it the most suitable industry for MuleSoft RPA. This is attributed to how repetitive healthcare practices are dictated by global medical communities like the International Classification of Diseases. Considering how RPA can perform repetitive tasks with 100% reliability and precision, it can save healthcare organizations time and money. Processes around inquiries abound in healthcare and can be automated using RPA bots, such as chatbots that answer customers’ inquiries based on existing or data extracted from multiple sources. Reduced response time improves the customer experience.

2. RPA in Finance

MuleSoft RPA is most useful in finance organizations that perform repeatable, highly regulated tasks. Companies in the industry face accuracy and compliance challenges that arise from several threats in different business environments and are heavily regulated in nature. RPA design and implementation can allow data extraction, entry, and processing across multiple financial processes, reducing the risk of enterprise-wide non-compliance.

Part of financial management systems used by modern organizations involves rethinking repeatable value-driving tasks to maximize profits while driving down costs consistently. Programming ensures every transaction is compliant with new and existing laws and regulations. The resulting documentation tends to be consistently accurate and reliable when RPA is integrated into an organization’s finance function.

3. RPA in Manufacturing

RPA is ranked a key enabler of processing automation in the manufacturing industry. It has an immense capability to optimize agility, speed, and quality and improve the core manufacturing operations. Although MuleSoft RPA bots are not new in this industry, they can solve manufacturing challenges for nearly every manufacturer by speeding and increasing the efficiency of billable processes. Major manufacturers have reported up to a 20% reduction in the cost of manufacturing when RPA is integrated into core processes.

4. RPA in Energy & Utilities

Companies in the utility sector can use RPA to reduce the number of employees required to manage billing. Seamless integration reduces errors and the time of validation, besides error detection. Automating these processes reduces the risk of errors common in manual processes, including reducing workload and boosting employee morale. Programmable validators ensure compliance with established requirements and various laws and regulations in the industry.

MuleSoft RPA is expected to transform how companies in the utility sector will manage compliance with existing and new laws and regulations through easily programmable bots. Tedious processes can be simplified and optimized by integrating RPA while significantly increasing process efficiency. Companies in the industry benefit greatly from RPA’s potential to enhance the functioning of the current computer systems.

5. RPA in Retail

Digital transformation is critical to success in the retail industry. It is considered the most disruptive industry, and MuleSoft RPA has made disruption more dominant in this increasingly competitive industry. This technology is used to perform high-volume IT functions. System-wide integration of RPA promises to enhance retailers’ financial management and transparency capacities. It improves the shop floor and augments human resource management activities. In a recent report, 77% of multinational corporations believe that automation through RPA integration is critical to digital transformation.

Benefits of MuleSoft RPA

A company in virtually every industry can implement MuleSoft RPA to enjoy the benefits of a bot’s repetitiousness, especially when managing tiresome and time-consuming tasks. A company that implements RPA stands to enjoy benefits like:

  • Greater productivity by accelerating workflows while executing repetitive and intensive processes in the insurance and financial services sectors.
  • Greater accuracy is attributed to an enhanced ability to guarantee compliance with strict standards, besides reducing the time wasted with rework due to human errors.
  • Ease of integration across platforms makes RPA appropriate because a business does not have to replace existing computing systems, particularly due to the elimination of technology silos and seamless integration of software tools.
  • Companies can harness the power of RPA to enhance customer experiences, such as by deploying bots to address their inquiries and process their transactions faster and with greater accuracy and precision.
  • RPA can be combined with artificial intelligence (AI) to create more intelligent automation systems that make processes like invoice processing more manageable and accurate.
  • Fast return on investment (ROI) is common in industries with zero tolerance for errors, such as healthcare, by executing compliant processes repetitively.
  • High-volume business processes are possible with RPA because it can handle both planned and unplanned workloads.

Additional Benefits:

· Speedy and accurate document generation

· Payroll processing

· Employee onboarding

· Resume and candidate verification

· Expense management

· User configurations.

MuleSoft RPA Adoption Challenges

· Employee resistance

RPA displaces human workers by automating manual tasks, making it challenging to adopt the software technology because displacement causes resistance to change.

· Lacks intelligent capabilities

RPA bots lack judgment, emotional intelligence, and reasoning capabilities that human beings possess. This software technology only performs activities that do not require intelligent capabilities.

· Lack of RPA implementation teams

RPA bots lack judgment, emotional intelligence, and reasoning capabilities that human beings possess. This software technology only performs activities that do not require intelligent capabilities.

· Project complexity

Coupled with the lack of properly structured teams, RPA projects can be quite complex and tend to have a relatively higher rate of failure before the benefits are realized. Technical and operational issues can also exacerbate complexity.

Summary & Recommendations

RPA involves using software technologies to create robots or ‘bots’ powerful enough to mimic employees’ digital actions. MuleSoft RPA bots are considered appropriate for businesses that automate repetitive and arduous business processes or tasks with bots to allow humans to focus on more critical tasks that require judgment, emotional intelligence, and reasoning than RPA bots lack. Basic RPA functions encompass automated data extraction, data entry, and processing; programmable templates can be tailored to perform specific functions and can be used to allow users to deal with honed processes. Large corporations can use ML-enabled RPA bots like MuleSoft RPA bots to manage a broad spectrum of new processes. Improving compliance is critical to preventing the costs that come with non-compliance.

Common use cases of MuleSoft RPA bots involve automating tedious and manual tasks associated with business functions and roles and business units in various industries, such as healthcare, insurance, and banking. Notwithstanding challenges linked to lack of intelligence, employee resistance, and project complexity, RPA can automate tedious and manual tasks associated with business functions and roles and business units in various industries, such as healthcare, insurance, and banking. Notable benefits of RPA integration include improved productivity, accuracy, and lower costs. Companies trying to adopt RPA should consider training employees, managing change (communicating a clear vision), and engaging employees throughout the implementation process.

