Preparing Your MuleSoft Application for Mule Runtime 4.6.0

Alex Lima
Another Integration Blog
3 min readMay 31, 2024
Let's prepare to new Mule Runtime!

Upgrading your MuleSoft application to a new runtime version, like 4.6.0, can bring numerous benefits, including enhanced security, new features, helping on transition to Java 17, and improved performance. However, to ensure a smooth transition, it’s crucial to prepare thoroughly. In this article, we’ll guide you through the essential steps to prepare your application for Mule Runtime 4.6.0.

Why Upgrade to Mule Runtime 4.6.0?

Short answer? Preparation for the future! Mule runtime 4.6.0 offers support to both Java 8 and Java 17 (the first Mule Runtime that does it).

This version has the mission to pave the way to a near future where MuleSoft apps will only run with Java 17. This will be acomplished in Feb, 2025, with the release of the Mule Runtime 4.9 LTS. More details about Java 17 upgrade here.

Step-by-Step Preparation Guide

1. Review Release Notes and Migration Guides

Start by reading the release notes for Mule Runtime 4.6.0. Pay attention to:

  • New Features: Understand what new capabilities are available.
  • Bug Fixes: Identify issues resolved in this release.
  • Deprecations and Breaking Changes: Note any deprecated features or changes that might affect your application.
  • Get context: If possible, watch this presentation on Deploy Mule Runtime 4.6 & Upgrading to Java 17.

2. Update mule-artifact.json

Modify your application’s mule-artifact.json to set the minMuleVersion to 4.6.0. This ensures that your application specifies the correct minimum runtime version.

"minMuleVersion": "4.6.0",
"secureProperties": [],
"redeploymentEnabled": true

3. Set Up a Testing Environment

Create a testing environment that mirrors your production setup as closely as possible. This environment will be used to validate your application against Mule Runtime 4.6.0 without impacting your live system. You will use this testing environment for run applications and create POCs, as necessary.

4. Perform Unit Testing

Run all unit tests to ensure that individual components of your application function correctly under the new runtime. This helps identify any issues early in the process.

5. Conduct Integration Testing

Perform integration tests to verify that different components of your application interact seamlessly. This is crucial for applications that integrate with external systems or services.

6. Execute Performance Testing

Compare your application’s performance on Mule 4.4.0 and Mule 4.6.0. Look for any performance regressions or improvements. This helps ensure that the new runtime version does not negatively impact your application’s efficiency.

7. Carry Out Security Testing

Run security tests to confirm that the application remains secure after the upgrade. Ensure there are no new vulnerabilities introduced by the change.

8. Perform Regression Testing

Conduct thorough regression testing to ensure that existing functionalities are not broken by the upgrade. This helps catch any unexpected issues that might have been introduced.

9. Engage in User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

Involve end-users in the testing process to validate that the application meets business requirements and works as expected. This step ensures that the upgrade does not impact user experience.

10. Review and Fix Issues

Carefully review the results from all testing phases. Address any issues that arise, whether they involve code changes, configuration adjustments, or dependency updates.

11. Plan for Rollback

Always have a rollback plan in place in case critical issues are discovered post-deployment. This ensures that you can quickly revert to the previous version if necessary.

12. Gradual Rollout (if feasible)

If possible, consider a gradual rollout of the new version. This approach allows you to monitor the upgrade’s impact on a smaller scale before fully committing.


Upgrading to Mule Runtime 4.6.0 can significantly enhance your application’s security, performance, feature set, and prepare your applications for the future. However, meticulous preparation is key to a successful transition.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can ensure that your application is ready to leverage the benefits of the new runtime while maintaining stability and functionality. Happy coding!



Alex Lima
Another Integration Blog

Senior Software Enginner | MuleSoft Top Mentor | 2x MuleSoft Certified