Sending Emails with Attachments Using MuleSoft

Omar ee
Another Integration Blog
4 min readMay 25, 2024


In today’s fast-paced business environment, companies are constantly seeking ways to streamline their processes and enhance productivity. One of the critical aspects of communication within and outside an organization is the ability to send emails efficiently, particularly those with attachments. Whether it’s sending invoices, reports, or any other important documents, the capability to automate this process can significantly enhance operational flexibility and efficiency. MuleSoft, a leading integration platform, offers robust tools to facilitate this need.

Why Automate Email Sending with Attachments?

Manual email handling, especially when dealing with numerous attachments, can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Automating this process provides several benefits:

  • Increased Efficiency: Automation saves time, allowing employees to focus on more strategic tasks.
  • Consistency and Accuracy: Automated systems reduce the risk of human error, ensuring that the right documents reach the right recipients.
  • Scalability: As the volume of email communications grows, automation ensures that the system can handle increased loads without additional manual effort.

Practical Implementation

Let’s walk through a basic example of how you can set up an automated email with attachments using MuleSoft.

The Mule Flow

Step 1: Setting Up the Environment

First, ensure you have MuleSoft Anypoint Studio installed. Create a new Mule project where you will design your email automation flow.

Step 2 : Receiving Email Content and Attachment Path

In the initial step, we utilize a Post Listener to receive the email content along with the path of the PDF attachment. While in this example we use a local path, in a production environment, this could be configured to retrieve the attachment from a file server SFTP.

Listener Config
Postman : POST Request

Step 3: Transforming Data to JSON Format

The Transform Message component adjusts the data into JSON format, ensuring a consistent data structure for subsequent processing.

Transform Message Operator
DataWeave Code Transformation

Step 4: Storing Email Body and PDF Path

Upon receiving the email content and attachment path, we store this information into variables for further processing. These variables will hold the email body and the path to the PDF attachment.

Set Variable Operators
Store body Config
Store path Config

Step 5: Configuring the Read Operation

1- File Configuration:

We configure the File connector by specifying the base directory and any necessary connection details.

File Connector config

2- Reading the PDF:

Next, we configure a Read operation to retrieve the PDF file from the specified path. This operation reads the PDF file and stores it as a variable, enabling us to include it as an attachment when sending the email.

Read File Operator
General Config
Advanced Config

Step 6: Sending the Email

Send Mail Operator

1- Configure SMTP Connection Details:

Set up the SMTP connection details within the Mail Operator. This includes specifying the SMTP host, port, username, password, and any additional security settings required for authentication.

SMTP Connector Config

2- Enter Email Information:

Provide the necessary information for the email to be sent. This includes the sender’s email address, recipient’s email address, subject line, email body, and attachments.

Send Mail Config1
Send Mail Config2


The output


Automating email sending with attachments using MuleSoft not only optimizes communication processes but also ensures that businesses can scale their operations efficiently. By leveraging MuleSoft’s comprehensive integration capabilities, companies can achieve higher levels of productivity, accuracy, and flexibility in their email communications.



Omar ee
Another Integration Blog

Passionate about Mulesoft and AI, I strive to merge these technologies to discover innovative solutions.🌟