Strategic Planning for AI Adoption

Anurag Sharma
Another Integration Blog
3 min readAug 11, 2023

Authors : Anurag Sharma & Evina Singh

Artificial intelligence (AI) is swiftly changing the world, and businesses that want to stay ahead of the curve need to have a strategic plan for AI adoption. A well-crafted AI strategy can help businesses identify and capitalize on new opportunities, improve efficiency, and reduce costs.

Following are some key steps to creating a successful AI implementation roadmap:
1. Understand your business goals: What would you like to achieve with AI? Some of the goals could be to improve customer experience, increase sales, speed up R&D, reduce redundancy, enable strategic decision making or automating tasks

2. Assess your current capabilities: What data or information do you have?
What skills do your employees have? What resources are available to you?
It’s imperative to have a realistic assessment of your current capabilities
before you start planning for AI adoption

3. Create AI vision and strategy: Create your AI strategy to match your vision, that aligns with your business goals. Create a framework to measure success while ensuring the scope for change management in case of a roadblock

4. Develop AI-enabled roadmap and culture: Ensure a user-centered design to enhance adoption and drive value. Include feedback mechanism to scale the process for better usage. Create agile roadmap to prepare for change and accelerate time to value.

5. Get buy-in from stakeholders: AI adoption is a team effort, so it’s important to get a buy-in from all stakeholders. This includes employees, customers, and investors.

6. Identify the right AI technologies and providers: There are multiple
different AI technologies available, so it’s important to choose the ones that are right for your business. Consider your goals, your capabilities, and your budget when making your selections. Once you’ve identified the right AI technologies, you need to develop roadmaps for each stage. Each roadmap should include a timeline, budget, and a set of milestones

7. Monitor and evaluate your progress: Once you’ve decided to implement
your AI strategy, it’s important to monitor and evaluate your progress. This will help you ensure that you’re on track to achieve your goals

8. Track usage and ROI: Once the implementation is complete, evaluate ROI across all your goals (step 1)

9. Define future-state data and architecture: Evaluate possible future updates with the flexibility and scalability to grow safely

Tips for strategic planning for AI success:

Start small and scale up: Don’t try to do too much too soon. Start with a
small project that you can use to learn and iterate. Once you’ve seen success or learned from your first project, you can scale up your AI adoption efforts.

Partner with experts: There are many companies that specialize in AI
consulting and implementation. Partnering with an expert can help you avoid making costly mistakes and ensure that you’re getting the most out of your AI investments

Be prepared to change. AI is a swiftly evolving field, so you need to be
prepared to change your strategy as needed. This means being open to new
ideas and willing to experiment

Additional considerations for your AI adoption strategy:

Data collection and preparation: AI models usually require large amounts of data to learn from and operate effectively. Have a plan in place for data collection, cleaning, and preparation

Infrastructure: If left unchecked, the cost of AI adoption can exponentially increase and make the process complex to run. You need to have the necessary infrastructure in place to support your AI workloads

Talent: AI adoption requires a skilled workforce. You need to have the right people in place to develop, deploy, and manage your AI initiatives. Invest in training initiatives to upscale your workforce

Ethics: If not regulated, AI can lead to discriminatory or harmful impact, including privacy issues, hallucinations, data control issues, bias and toxicity. Have a plan in place to ensure that your AI has the required checks and controls, and is used ethically and responsibly

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Anurag Sharma
Another Integration Blog

I am an Integration Architect with over 10+ years experience in building scalable and robust integration and API solutions for different sectors