The Cache Dilemma: Comparing MuleSoft’s Native Features with Redis for Integration Success

Kseniia Tarantsova
Another Integration Blog
6 min readMar 12, 2024

In the dynamic landscape of modern technology, where the speed of data retrieval often determines success, the concept of caching has become paramount. Businesses aiming for quick and efficient data integration face a dilemma: should they rely on the built-in caching features provided by MuleSoft, or is there a compelling reason to explore the flexibility of open-source solutions like Redis?

This article will explore the nuances of the cache dilemma, aiming to offer a thorough understanding by its conclusion. Equipped with valuable insights, our goal is to steer away from the path of uncertainty, transforming it into a clear and informed route for making the right decisions in achieving successful data integration.

Cache: definition importance

First and foremost, let’s embark on our journey by establishing the central term that will guide us: Cache.

The word “cache” originates from French and translates literally to “to hide” or in another word “to store away for later use”.

The reason it holds such importance lies in its pivotal role in enhancing overall system performance. By efficiently storing and retrieving frequently accessed data, cache becomes instrumental in optimizing data retrieval, consequently contributing to heightened system efficiency. Moreover, its impact extends to reducing latency, ensuring quicker response times, and ultimately leading to an improved user experience. In essence, cache emerges as a multifaceted tool that not only streamlines processes but also plays a key role in shaping the responsiveness and efficiency of integrated systems.

Cache is consistently associated with two main occurrences, as explained and illustrated below:

1️⃣ Cache miss — happens when data is not found in the cache, retrieved from the data source, and subsequently stored to the cache for later use.

2️⃣ Cache hit — occurs when the data is already present in the cache, thus retrieved directly from it.

MuleSoft’s Native Cache

Mulesoft’s Native Cache is represented by Cache scope which utilizes a caching strategy.

Caching strategy defines:

  • how the cache keys are generated,
  • how long the cached data remains valid.
Cache Scope configuration

Behind the scenes, MuleSoft uses the Object Store to manage the storage and retrieval of cached data based on the configurations.

MuleSoft offers two options for referencing a caching strategy:

1️⃣ Default caching strategy: This option allows caching responses in the default InMemoryObjectStore.

2️⃣ Reference to a strategy: Alternatively, you can opt for a custom caching strategy that references an existing object store. At the same time, you have the flexibility to create a new custom object store to be used within this caching strategy.

Acting as the foundational storage mechanism for the Cache Scope, the Object Store facilitates efficient persistence and retrieval of cached data. It provides the essential infrastructure for managing the lifecycle of cached data. By adjusting the settings within the Object Store you define or reference from the caching strategy, you can tailor parameters such as:

  • Object Store type: Options include persistent, which involves persisting data to disk, and non-persistent, storing data in memory.
  • Cache size
  • Expiration time
  • Maximum entries allowed
Object Store settings

To effectively achieve the goals of storing data, it’s crucial to understand the statefulness of MuleSoft’s Object Store (OS) across various runtime planes, which depends on the OS type. In MuleSoft’s architecture, runtime planes represent distinct environments or instances where Mule applications are deployed and executed.

OS quality of services per type and runtime plane

If the application is CloudHub-based, the Object Store is visible from the Runtime manager, giving you control over the data.

Furthermore, MuleSoft offers the flexibility to configure a caching strategy for managing access to the cache, thereby preventing concurrent usage by different message processors. By default, cache synchronization is activated, as denoted by the ‘synchronized’ property within the ‘ee:object-store-caching-strategy’ element being set to ‘true’. However, users have the option to deactivate this feature by setting the ‘synchronized’ property to ‘false’.

In its default configuration, MuleSoft utilizes an SHA256KeyGenerator and a SHA256 digest to generate a unique key for the message payload. Nonetheless, users can opt to define their own custom keys through a personalized caching strategy.


Redis, an open-source key-value store, fulfills various roles including database, cache, and message broker. In this article, we’ll delve into its caching capabilities.

MuleSoft’s Redis Connector simplifies the integration of Redis with MuleSoft applications. This allows developers to easily leverage Redis caching features within their MuleSoft API implementations, eliminating the need for complex custom integrations. By integrating Redis with MuleSoft, developers can cache frequently accessed data to improve the performance and responsiveness of their APIs and integrations. This can reduce the load on backend systems and decrease response times for users. Additionally, the Redis Connector offers a variety of functions and capabilities to interact with Redis directly from MuleSoft APIs.

The Redis Connector provided by MuleSoft offers a range of connection types to accommodate different application scenarios. These include:

  • clustered connections, where Redis functions across multiple servers in a distributed system, allowing for horizontal scalability and improved performance through data partitioning.
  • non-clustered connections are suitable for smaller-scale applications that operate on a single server with a single Redis instance.
  • for increased reliability, sentinel connections are available, offering high availability for Redis clusters by actively monitoring node health, facilitating automatic failover, and managing configuration updates seamlessly.

Furthermore, the Redis Connector enables users to tailor Redis configurations to meet specific requirements. This customization includes parameters such as:

  • connection pooling,
  • timeouts,
  • retries,
  • security settings.

By adjusting these settings, users can optimize resource management, prevent performance issues, and enhance data security during communication.

Redis is recognized for its efficient resource utilization, thanks to its use of efficient data structures and algorithms. This efficiency makes Redis particularly suitable for caching large volumes of data while minimizing memory usage. As a result, Redis becomes essential in scenarios where transactional guarantees are required or where data sharing is necessary.

Additionally, Redis offers various quality of service levels, combining the reliability of external storage systems with the agility of an in-memory data grid. This versatility ensures that applications can achieve optimal performance tailored to their specific requirements.


In conclusion, the cache dilemma in integration projects underscores the importance of understanding both MuleSoft’s native cache capabilities and Redis for achieving success. While MuleSoft’s built-in caching features seamlessly integrate into the Anypoint Platform, Redis, when paired with MuleSoft’s Redis Connector, offers an attractive option for more complex caching requirements, including high availability, scalability, replication, and enhanced management. It’s noteworthy that MuleSoft’s cache is well-suited for CloudHub-based applications, whereas Redis has become the de facto choice for external caching in on-premise runtimes. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that implementing Redis may entail additional costs, staffing requirements, and potential latency issues due to network calls, especially if the Redis server is hosted remotely from the application servers.

By carefully comparing these options and evaluating the specific needs of the integration project, organizations can make informed decisions to optimize performance, strengthen reliability, and ensure smooth data management across their ecosystem.



Kseniia Tarantsova
Another Integration Blog

Passionate about MuleSoft and API development, I share insights and tutorials to help developers integrate, automate, and innovate.