The Limitations of API-Led Connectivity in E-Commerce: Unveiling the Real-World Challenges

Surya Veer
Another Integration Blog
4 min readJul 13, 2023

In today’s digital landscape, e-commerce has revolutionized the way businesses operate. As an aspiring MuleSoft Solution Architect, it’s crucial to understand the strengths and weaknesses of various integration approaches. In this blog, we will delve into the topic of API-led connectivity and explore why it might not always be the most suitable choice for e-commerce projects. We’ll present real-life examples to illustrate the challenges faced in this domain.

Understanding API-Led Connectivity:
API-led connectivity is an integration approach that emphasizes the use of application programming interfaces (APIs) to connect systems, applications, and data sources. It divides integrations into three layers: system, process, and experience, with each layer having its own set of APIs. While API-led connectivity offers several benefits, such as reusability and modularity, it may not always be the ideal choice for e-commerce projects due to specific challenges.

Challenge 1: Real-time Inventory Management
In e-commerce, managing inventory is crucial for ensuring accurate product availability and preventing overselling. However, API-led connectivity might face challenges in real-time inventory management. Let’s consider an example: a customer places an order on an e-commerce website, and the inventory API receives the request to reserve the item. If the inventory API fails to provide real-time updates or experiences delays, it could lead to scenarios where customers purchase items that are no longer available. This can result in a poor customer experience and potential reputational damage for the business.

Challenge 2: Complex Order Fulfillment Processes
E-commerce platforms often involve complex order fulfillment processes. For instance, an order may require multiple APIs to coordinate actions like payment processing, shipping logistics, and inventory management. With API-led connectivity, each API operates independently and communicates through standardized interfaces. However, managing the complex orchestration of multiple APIs can become cumbersome, especially when they are hosted by different systems or service providers. Ensuring seamless coordination across APIs becomes crucial, as any delays or failures in the process can lead to order inaccuracies, delays in shipping, or even lost orders.

Challenge 3: Scalability and Performance
E-commerce websites experience peaks in traffic during sales events, holidays, or product launches. To handle the increased load, the underlying systems must scale up and perform optimally. However, API-led connectivity might pose challenges in achieving scalability and maintaining performance. When numerous APIs are involved in the integration, each API call adds an additional layer of complexity and potential latency. This can impact the overall responsiveness of the e-commerce platform, leading to slow page load times, increased cart abandonment, and dissatisfied customers.

Challenge 4: External Dependencies and Reliability
API-led connectivity often relies on external APIs provided by third-party services or vendors. In e-commerce, this can include payment gateways, shipping providers, or product data sources. Depending on these external APIs introduces a level of dependency on their reliability and availability. Any disruptions or outages in these APIs can directly impact the e-commerce platform, leading to transaction failures, incorrect shipping information, or inability to retrieve up-to-date product data. Such issues can severely impact the customer experience and result in lost sales.

Alternate Approach for E-commerce Projects:

As MuleSoft Solution Architects, it’s important to carefully consider these limitations and explore alternative integration strategies to ensure seamless, reliable, and performant e-commerce experiences for businesses and their customers.

One of the challenges that API-led connectivity faces in e-commerce projects is the need for real-time order processing. While the experience API can be utilized to accept orders from the source system, the response from the end systems may not be instantaneous. To address this, an event-based approach becomes necessary, which involves leveraging process and system APIs to ensure timely and accurate order processing.

In the e-commerce context, consider a scenario where a customer places an order on a website. The experience API receives the order request and forwards it to the relevant systems, such as payment processing, inventory management, and shipping. However, the response time from these systems may vary due to factors like network latency or system load.

To overcome this challenge, an experience API can be used accept the request from source systems and an order acceptance response can be reverted back to source system. A process API can be employed to handle the order processing asynchronously. Instead of waiting for immediate responses from each system, the process API triggers events or messages that communicate the order details to the respective systems. This allows the process API to continue its flow without being blocked by any delays in the individual system responses.

The system API acts as a receiver for these events or messages and performs the necessary actions accordingly. For instance, the payment processing system API can start the payment authorization process upon receiving the event, while the inventory management system API can update the stock levels for the ordered products. This event-based approach ensures that the order is processed efficiently without the need to wait for synchronous responses from each system.

By decoupling the order processing flow through event-based communication, e-commerce platforms can achieve better performance, scalability, and fault tolerance. It allows the system to handle a large number of orders concurrently, as the processing of each order can be performed independently and asynchronously. Moreover, if any individual system experiences downtime or delays, it does not affect the overall order processing pipeline, ensuring a smoother customer experience.

In conclusion, while API-led connectivity may face challenges in real-time order processing, adopting an event-based approach with process and system APIs can address these limitations. By leveraging asynchronous event-driven communication, e-commerce platforms can ensure efficient and reliable order processing, even in scenarios where system responses are not instant.

