Big Numbers, Tiny Humans

Robert Rouse
Another Life Taken
4 min readDec 12, 2015


This aricle describes the data and story behind For more information, follow the project on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or email

Mass atrocities are rationalized by dehumanizing the victims. Telling their story with data carries the risk of reducing them to a cold, dead statistic. Individuality gets lost in numbers as large as 58 million since 1973, one million a year, and so on. Another Life Taken is a project that illustrates abortion in America at the central point of contention — the humanity of the unborn. It represents each child individually as a fetus rather than the normal abstractions of lines and bars used in data visualizations.

Another focus is on the mothers: why do they choose abortion, and how does this choice affect them afterward? In that discussion, we should not lose sight of empathy, forgiveness, and humility. Therefore, Another Life Taken ends the story with Gospel-oriented hope for everyone whose lives are affected by the decision to abort a child.

Every 32 Seconds, 2,696 per day

Over one million abortions have occurred in most of the years since Roe v. Wade. The latest available data brings that figure down to 984,116 based on an estimate from Abort73 [1] that combines state-level CDC data from 2013 and 2012 figures from the Guttmacher Institute (AGI)[2]. The abortion rate has steadily declined for over a decade, so I chose the lower 2013 estimate instead of finalized 2012 data.

Everyone one of those is a life taken. This statement is based on a simple point: prior to entering the abortion clinic, the baby had a high probability of surviving to an average life expectancy of 78 years. After the clinic visit, the survival probability goes to zero. That’s an entire life span stripped away in a moment.

67% Have a Heartbeat

The abortion debate hinges on how we define “life” or “personhood.” Some may read the assertion above and see a potential life without the same value as one who has lived for some time outside the womb. Other delineations are at points of conception, viability, detection of brain waves, or the presence of a heartbeat.

When expectant mothers hear a baby’s heartbeat for the first time, she knows there is a life inside her. Therefore, Another Life Taken highlights how many fetuses have grown to a gestational age of 7 weeks or more (when the heart typically begins beating). The 67% figure is from AGI data showing that 33% of abortions occur prior to 7 weeks of gestation [2].A heartbeat from a 10-week fetus (the earliest that audio is detectable) plays for viewers to hear the undeniable reality of life.

All Are Human

Another Life Taken unapologetically asserts that any creature with human DNA is nothing other than a human being with God-given value. Assigning each of them a name is a way to memorialize their lives and remind us of their individual worth. These names are generated from the most popular baby names in 2014 according to the Social Security Administration.

Reasons Given

Women usually have more than one reason for choosing to have an abortion. A 2014 AGI study [3] breaks these out by which factors contributed to that decision and which are the primary reasons for their choice. Policy discussions often center around possible exceptions for rape or health reasons, so I have split the numbers along those lines.

While less than 0.5% report rape as the primary reason, it is a contributing factor in 1% of abortions. Therefore, I rounded up from 0.5% in this area. 7% of the primary reasons fall under the “health” category. The remaining reasons can be subdivided many different ways. I have grouped them together on one side of the typical dividing line on what reasons should be legally allowed.

Hear Their Stories

Abortion affects far more lives than just the baby. The women involved may experience fear, shame, anger, regret, and depression. Some who have found healing through a ministry called Peace After the Storm (part of Initiative 180) share their stories of how abortion changed their lives and how they are different today. Their testimonies show us how forgiveness in Jesus Christ and the love of his people brings restoration.

Learn More and Take Action

It is one thing to recognize a problem and yet another to do something about it. Ending with a message of hope means sharing God’s grace and mercy. We can point people to ministries like Initiative 180 which help restore hearts scarred by pain or guilt. We must also do whatever possible to continue reducing the number of lives taken each day. Defunding the largest abortion provider in America is a good start. Sharing this project with friends is a way you can help keep the momentum going.

Please send any questions or comments about this project to

Twitter: @AnotherLifeTakn

