Welcome Ben Goldberg

Max Beatty
Ansaro Engineering
Published in
1 min readApr 16, 2018

We’re excited to welcome Ben Goldberg to Ansaro as our first engineering hire! He joins us after a successful few years with Originate. His attention to detail and eagerness to learn made him an obvious choice for our team. He’s excited to help us further our mission to improve interviewing, especially our focus on reducing bias in the interviewing process.

Since graduating from Claremont McKenna College where he majored in Computer Science and Economics, Ben has been living in the San Francisco Bay Area, currently in Berkeley. His favorite thing about moving to Berkeley is that it’s always ten degrees warmer than it was at his old home in the city.

Ben’s primary responsibilities will initially include advancing the quality of our React components, expanding our initial design system, and collaborating on our GraphQL schema. While getting to know him over the past few weeks, I’ve really enjoyed his pragmatic approach to delivering quality product.

Welcome to the team, Ben!



Max Beatty
Ansaro Engineering

Designs & builds products for the web. @maxbeatty most places.