The Homes Around Us.

Marc Anselme
Anselme Capital Blog
2 min readMar 20, 2021

Last night our lovely neighbor brought us some of her delicious food. She does this about once a week, daily during Ramadan. They are a multigenerational household from southern Afghanistan. They fled the Soviets in the 80’s. Across the street we have a Thai immigrant married to a Caucasian man. She loves all dogs, and our dog knows it. Ajip and his wife live next door. They are immigrants from India. Their son is at UC Riverside. Ajip is the designated guardian of our house when we leave, and vice versa. He also dishes out cool gardening tricks and tools. Next to them is an African American couple. He is a biochemical engineer now in finance, which he calls “turning bad.” Next to their house are Eric and his family, all Caucasians. Eric is our ally in our budding resistance to the HOA. And finally, to complete the list of our contiguous neighbors, there is a lovely Chinese immigrant family, with a daughter in high school and a son in Med school residency. Of all the places where Corinne and I have lived, this super diverse neighborhood is honestly the most welcoming, supportive and friendly of all.

We have different skin tones, native languages and religions, but it certainly does not get in our way. In fact it is the opposite. Our differences are what unite us, and our values are shared. Everyone works hard and tries to prosper. Everyone pushes their kids to do well in school, in their jobs, in their lives. The marriage of a kid here, a graduation there, is a reason for everyone to celebrate.

I look at the group of clients of Anselme Capital and I see a somewhat similar rainbow. We try to support our clients in their efforts to take measured risks, to build businesses and careers, and to build human capital for their families. We find that there is absolutely no room for racial, religious or any form of sectarian attitude. Any form of hatred is the very opposite of what we want to promote.

We plan on reaching out to the Natomas Chamber of Commerce and to our local schools to see what we can provide that will help counter the toxic effect of sectarian hatred.

We wanted you to know where we stand.

Have a great weekend.

