How To Plot Spring Force as a Contour Plot Using DPF

Ansys Developer
Ansys Developer
Published in
Sep 9, 2022

Today’s Script Tip comes from Ayush Kumar and Vishnuram V, Senior Applications Engineers at Ansys.

Sometimes you might be interested in plotting contours on elements or nodes that are not available in mechanical and are created during the solve phase.


Spring elements

Contact elements etc …

The methodology uses scoping.on_mesh_property operator to extract the COMBIN14(spring element) mesh and uses mapdl.smisc operator to extract the MAPDL smisc results for spring forces. We also pass the result mesh to workflow operator to plot the contours.

The below example shows how you can plot a contour on spring elements

dfp workflow code
dpf workflow result



Ansys Developer
Ansys Developer

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