Augmented Reality as Antidote

Antaeus AR
Antaeus AR
Published in
2 min readOct 16, 2023

We are surrounded by “ancient monuments and the modern sadness” according to Nobel prize-winning Greek writer George Seferis — AR is an antidote to this.

The augmented reality technology stack produces its own resonance which in turn colors and enhances our reality, transforming it into that which is not quite of this prosaic world.

Humans and hills shape the history and experience of land. Places have always been imbued with stories and creativity. The emerging technology suite are merely new tools for this which is in fact the Natural state.

Access to greater imaginal depths

This realizes a repository connected to and triggered by physical place or object, loaded with the significance of the past and of memory. An underworld of memory.

Beyond positivist knowledge of Earth’s surface, where the physical is not necessarily the ‘real.’ Preserving cultural achievements, and retelling our shared stories.

New tools potentially remaining true to ancient intonations. Literary and mythological precedents and mythologies retold from another angle, a new medium of experience.

Associating physical objects or geographical points with the exploits of a hero, individual, or tribe. Leading to a direct, albeit imaginary dimension of experience.

Space is always a construction. The centre is what and where we want it to be. Emerging digital tools act as underline to this fact.

– Antaeus AR

Augmented future, Image credit — Google



Antaeus AR
Antaeus AR

A publication covering Augmented Reality & Spatial Computing