Augmented Reality: The Next Frontier in Human Enhancement, Accessibility, and Democratization

Shahrooz Shekaraubi
Antaeus AR
Published in
5 min readApr 14, 2024

In a time when technology and human experience are becoming more and more entwined, AR shows great promise, especially when it comes to improving cognitive function. The lines straddle between technology, ethics, and the potential of people. Here lies a fascinating conversation about how AR might transcend conventional bioconservative concerns and usher in a new era of human advancement.

The essence of technology is not technological; rather, it is the novel ways in which it challenges our conceptions of time and existence by revealing the universe to us. When we think about AR, we are thinking about a significant change in our perception of and interaction with reality itself, not just a tool or an extension of our cognitive abilities. This technology provides a novel way to challenge and reconsider the distinctions between the human subject and the object of our perception because of its ability to superimpose digital information over our direct sensory experience of the world.

Technology is a means of revelation for me. In this way, AR turns into a canvas on which the world reveals itself to us in a level of intricacy and detail never seen before. It challenges us to reevaluate our definitions of knowledge, learning, and understanding. Thus, the augmentation of reality involves more than just improving human cognitive abilities; it also involves changing how we live in the environment and how we ‘be there’ in this world.

In this light, the authenticity and achievement concerns that are so common in bioconservative criticisms need to be reevaluated. To me, authenticity is having a true way of being — one that accepts and celebrates the messiness of life. By interacting with AR, we are not running away from our true selves; rather, we are being presented with a fresh perspective on how to see and comprehend the world, which could enhance our comprehension of how we fit into it.

To think of everything — including ourselves — as nothing more than tools to be used and manipulated is also harmful. However, based on how I understand AR, it serves as a tool to disclose the world in all of its complex relationships and meanings rather than as a way of objectifying reality. With AR, we may be able to move away from a strictly utilitarian relationship with technology and toward a more deliberate and introspective interaction with our technological selves.

We are therefore prompted to examine not only the expansion of our cognitive abilities but also the alteration of our ontological relationship with the world as we investigate the implications of AR for cognitive advancement. AR makes us consider more than just the technology’s immediate use; rather, it gets us to consider the broader implications of our relationship to both the physical world and the digital world.

When we embrace AR, we set out on a path that goes beyond improving functionality alone. We enter a field of philosophy where the distinctions between the technology and the human, the subject and the object, become hazy. Because AR can blur these lines, it presents a rare chance to reevaluate our identity and our place in the universe. It invites us to investigate fresh perspectives and live truly in a world that is constantly being shown to us via the prism of augmented reality in ever-more intricate and novel ways.

Rethinking Cognitive Enhancement Through AR

The dialogue surrounding cognitive enhancement has historically been framed by concerns over the diminishment of achievement and authenticity.

The Mechanic and AR: A Mini-Case Study in Cognitive Augmentation

Consider the transformative role of AR in vehicle mechanic procedures. A mechanic utilizing AR can access a wealth of patient data in real-time, overlaying critical information directly onto their field of vision during an fixup. This fusion of technology and expertise enhances the mechanic’s decision-making ability, allowing for more precise and informed interventions.

Some may argue that this diminishes the importance of the mechanic and places more emphasis on technology than on individual talent. This view, though, ignores the fundamental essense of augmented reality — that it is an additional tool, not a substitute. The knowledge of the mechanic is still crucial; augmented reality only makes things easier for them to accomplish things that were before unattainable.

This is an example of a fundamental reevaluation of what an accomplishment is. The ability to master augmented reality technology and incorporate it into professional practice are noteworthy accomplishments in and of themselves, forcing us to reevaluate the importance we place on the synergy between humans and technology.

The Evolutionary Context of Tool Use and AR

The idea of authenticity frequently serves as a focal point in the discussion of cognitive enhancement, with some contending that using technological tools reduces our authenticity. This viewpoint assumes a static concept of the self and ignores the fact that we are inherently creative and tool-using beings. If being authentic means staying true to who you are, then using augmented reality as a cognitive tool makes sense given who we are at our core. It reflects our versatility and inventiveness and is a continuation of our evolutionary history as tool users.

The history of humanity demonstrates our need on tools, from simple tools to highly developed technologies. Our physical and mental capacities have increased with each technological advancement. AR adds a new level of contact with the outside world, but it’s just the latest chapter in our shared story. A limited interpretation of authenticity should not be used to discount AR’s potential because it ignores the larger picture of human progress. Like any technologies, AR represents our innate need for exploration and growth while also extending our skills.

Accessibility and the Democratization of Cognitive Enhancement via AR

Compared to pharmaceutical improvements, AR has the potential to be widely accessible and equitable. In contrast to pharmaceuticals that are entangled in moral dilemmas and possible health hazards, AR provides a cognitive improvement platform that surpasses biological constraints. Its accessibility is essential because it makes cognitive enhancement more widely available to everyone, making it a universal tool rather than a privilege for a select few. The promise of augmented reality begs us to fully explore its possibilities as we stand on the threshold of a new era in cognitive augmentation. It pushes us to reconsider our potential by looking at it through the lens of the endless possibilities of augmentation rather than limitation.

Expanding our humanity is the goal of the adventure with AR at our side, not merely improving reality. Equipped with instruments that enhance our ability to gain insight, be creative, and form connections, it challenges us to explore uncharted territories of knowledge and comprehension. As we navigate this changing environment, let’s not lose sight of AR’s transformative potential. Let’s welcome it as a catalyst for a richer, more profound human experience rather than just as a new technology advancement.



Shahrooz Shekaraubi
Antaeus AR

Human. Artist. UX Designer. Search me on @Behance @Figma