XR Evolution: From Clunky to Captivating

Vedika Bhasin
Antaeus AR
Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2024

— Guide and reflection

The Big Bang

Remember chunky headsets and pixelated worlds? That was the dawn of XR in the early 2000s. Pioneers like the Nintendo Virtual Boy sparked imaginations and laid the groundwork for today’s immersive experiences. But before diving deeper into XR’s journey, let’s rewind to another revolution: the internet’s explosive growth.

Nintendo Virtual Boy

The internet was a tangent time machine providing connectivity, allowing for shared virtual worlds, multiplayer experiences, and the generation of a global XR community. Without the internet’s transformative power, XR’s early days would have remained isolated and niche. Those clunky headsets weren’t just about escapism; they fostered connections for people to explore virtual spaces together and lay the foundation for XR’s collaborative and social aspects as seen today.

Butterfly Effect of the Internet 🦋

With the internet as its fuel, XR grew. The internet’s impact on XR went beyond just facilitating connections. It fueled a rapid evolution in technology and content. The widespread adoption of smartphones in the late 2000s opened the door for social media and mobile AR experiences. As social media gained traction, the importance of connectivity grew to everyday users rapidly increased.

Early apps like Layar overlaid digital information onto the real world through your phone’s camera. This accessibility sparked creative exploration and paved the way for the AR filters and experiences we use daily on platforms like Instagram, Snapchat and now TikTok. Meanwhile, VR headsets like the Oculus Rift, released in 2016, marked a significant leap in processing power and visual fidelity. This, along with the internet’s expanding infrastructure, allowed for richer, more immersive experiences that transcended earlier limitations.

The result? A new wave of VR games, educational simulations, and even social VR platforms like VRChat.

Today’s XR Landscape

Fast forward to today, and XR is a kaleidoscope of possibilities from healthcare training to artistic expression. We have AR filters that adorn our faces, Pokémon encounters on city streets and educational overlays elevating museum visits. VR transports us to distant galaxies for workouts, exciting multiplayer gaming and collaborative workspaces. MR takes it up a notch by enabling surgeons to visualize medical scans during operations or architects to walk through 3D building models within their physical spaces. But the story doesn’t end here, especially with the birth of spatial computing.

XR & Emerging Tech

The future of XR is blazed with potential. Apple’s Vision Pro paves the way for sleek, powerful headsets that will bring XR to the masses. This isn’t just about hype; it’s about pushing technology forward and exploring its potential. Emerging technologies like AI, Robotics, and IoT are all playing their part. Each advancement fuels the others, creating a virtuous cycle of growth.

Take NFTs and blockchain: as XR generates more digital content, clarity on ownership and authenticity becomes crucial. This is where Web 3.0 shines, providing solutions for a future where humans and AI interact seamlessly within immersive worlds.

The future of XR isn’t just about flashy headsets or trendy buzzwords. It’s about a collaborative symphony of technologies, each playing its part to create a truly immersive and user-driven future.

XR enthusiasts — the future is unwritten, possibilities are limitless.



Vedika Bhasin
Antaeus AR

Industry thinking and filtered knowledge about AR, VR, XR and Creative Technology